Chapter 9

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Tom is being led through the corridors of a brokerage house by Vance, a well-dressed young stockbroker. Vance is Tom's right-hand man 

"We can't buy any more stock without filing," Vance stresses to Tom.

"Then hold off until we file," Tom says calmly.

"Are you sure that's wise?" Vance lowers his voice as they stop at the meeting room door, "I could hide some blocks under another name for a few weeks." 

"No, no. I always play by the rules. There are too many people that would like to take me down. I'm not about to give them any help." Tom opened the door and both walked into the large meeting room. 

Sitting at one end of the long conference table, piles of papers spread out before him, is William, a crafty-looking lawyer with wire-rimmed glasses. Tom smiles broadly upon seeing him.

"Will! Where the hell have you been?" Tom says excitingly.

"Working on your blind pool. How does a hundred million sound?"

"Great. Listen, there's something you need to look into right away. There's a chemical treatment plant at this shipyard. I want you to see if the permits are still valid and what kind of limits are on them."

William looks at Tom in shock. "Treatment plant? What... oh! You son of a bitch! What a brain!"

"Don't get too excited yet. Check the permits first." Tom sits down next to William. He glances back at Vance. 

"Thanks for the work Vance, I'll see you tomorrow." Vance leaves and William glances at Tom quizzically. "What's the offer looking like?"

"Eighteen thousand," William says hesitantly and waits for Tom's reaction.

"That's madness. If I start paying rates like that I'll be out of business. We're going to have to do better than that." Tom reads through some of the paper files.

"We're lucky to get money, at any rate, these days. Honest. The Junk Market is not what it used to be." William grabs the file off Tom.

"You're not listening to me. We're going to do better than that. Aren't we?" Tom said firmly. 

"Yes, sir. I'll try to get seventeen." Tom glares at William. "I'll get seventeen. How was your flight? Did Taylor come with you?"

"No. That's all over. I've lost my patience with her."

"Not to worry but look, while you're in town, Robert's Agency has three new girls in and they're really hot.."

Tom interrupts him. "No, thanks. I've already taken care of that side of my trip. I met a pretty, no-nonsense girl who's going to stay with me for the week. She wants a third of what those pimps charge."

"A billionaire looking for a bargain." William jokes. "What, you met a pro in the hotel?"

"No, I was driving around the city and I found a... girl."

"You picked up a streetwalker?" William looks at him in shock. "Are you nuts? You know what kind of diseases they've got?" 

"The girls you try to set me up with aren't virgins either, Will. I'm careful."

"But a streetwalker? Your ex-wife of three months screwed you over, stole your money and now you're going to put a street hooker in your hotel room for a week. What if she's got a screw loose and decides to knife you in your sleep? What if she slits her wrists in your bathroom? How am I going to protect you when she and the hotel SUE you?

"Drop it." Tom sneered.

"Drop it? I'm your lawyer for godsakes. There's nothing wrong with wanting a girl, but you have to go with a reputable agency. If you're too fucking cheap, I'll have the brokerage pick up the tab."

"I don't need a girl who speaks French better than I do," Tom says calmly as he packs the files into his briefcase. "Those high-class hookers are just high-class leeches. I'm tired of them asking me to buy them jewels as tips. I've found a nice, anonymous girl who's thrilled to provide me with sex at a fair rate with no hassles. She's just a simple working girl and that's all I want. Goodbye William." Tom grabs his stuff and walks out of the meeting room.


Karly's arms are packed with boxes and shopping bags as she strolls through the hotel entrance. She walks confidently through the hotel lobby, past the admiring gazes of several businessmen. As she enters the elevator, Karly is gripping her packages like loot from a conquered city. The Operator doesn't recognize her, in fact, he is impressed by her attire. He starts the elevator up. 

"Floor, ma'am?" He asks in a crisp polite voice.

"Penthouse, please." Karly smiles. 

The Operator does a double-take as Karly continues to smile at him. 

"Huh, didn't even recognize me?" Karly jests. 

The Operator stiffens. "No."

"Funny what a difference a dress makes. For a moment there you thought I was some rich person you had to suck up to." 

"For a brief moment," The Operator sneers.

"But you wouldn't know what that feels like because you always look like a snooty bellboy, don't you?" They both eye each other. 

"I am not a bellboy. I'm an assistant manager in training. I have a bachelors degree in Hotel management. And when I'm managing the hotel, I won't allow any whores like you on the premises." He says proudly. 

"I guess that's so you won't have any competition." The doors open and Karly exits. The Operator unhappily watches her go. As she passes a hallway mirror, Karly pauses and stands in front of it. She, too, can hardly recognize the person in front of her. She strikes some classy poses, checking herself out then hurries into the penthouse. 


Tom steps to the front desk and catches the eye of the hotel desk clerk. 

"Any messages?" Tom asks politely. 

The Clerk hands Tom a few message slips as he sorts through them. He feels tired and on edge after a long day. Mr Martin, standing on the other end of the desk, eyes Tom. He approaches and speaks in a low intimate voice.

"Good evening, Mr Hiddleston."

Tom continues looking through his messages and replies absently. "Hello."

"I met your... "niece" in the lobby today."

"My niece?" Tom questions looking at the man. 

"That pretty young girl staying in your room. I just assumed..." Tom chuckles at Mr Martin's comment.

"I think we both know that the girl in my room is not my niece," Tom replies smiling. 

"Of course sir, have a lovely night." Mr Martin bows slightly and walks away. Tom watches him go and turns back to the hotel Clerk, suddenly in a good mood. 

"Have some champagne sent up. And a cheese tray or something. A large bottle of mineral water and strawberries."

The Clerk nods and Tom continues his way to the elevators. 

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