Chapter 16

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An airport limo pulls to a stop in front of the San Francisco Opera House. The Driver walks around back and opens the passenger door. Tom emerges and helps Karly out.

Tom puts his hand on Karly's elbow as they walk through the elegant lobby.

"Some people say that opera is an acquired taste, but I don't believe it. You can always tell when someone goes to the opera for the first time. They either love it or hate it. Those who love it will always love it; those who hate it might come to appreciate it, but they'll never truly love it." Tom whispers to her.

Karly is wide eyed as they walk past a beautifully lit fountain with several graceful statues in its centre. Everywhere she looks she sees elegantly dressed women and prosperous looking men. It makes her nervous. Without realising it, she raises a protective hand up to her necklace. She looks as if she suspects someone is going to step up and steal it.

"Karly? I really doubt if anyone here is going to try and grab it." Karly reluctantly lowers her hands.

Approaching the Opera, a crowd of people mill around the lobby, heading toward their seats. Karly is aware of the looks she draws as she passes curiously, even envious looks from the women, appreciative glances from the men. Her hands again rises nervously to her necklace.

"They all think you look very beautiful, Karly." Karly gives him a grateful look. Relaxing, she lowers her hand from the necklace. With a flourish, he offers his arm. She takes it. They start forward.

Tom and Karly take their seats in a box high above the stage.

"If it's in Italian, how will I know what they're saying?" Karly asks Tom.

"I'll whisper some of the main parts of the story to you. But you'll be surprised how much you understand. The music conveys the story more powerfully than any words."

"But don't they have it in English?"

Tom chuckles at Karly's question. "Karly, don't be afraid of what you don't know. That's the fun of it."

The lights dim. Karly signs. "Okay. Even if I hate it, I'm glad you brought me."

The orchestra begins to play. Karly's eyes focus intensely on the stage as if a new world is about to be revealed to her. The opera starts and La Boehme is performed. The lights from the stage dance across Karly's face.

Tom leans over to translate the tenor's aria. "What am I? I am a poet. Not a man of wealth but one rich in dreams. You have come to replace my vanished dreams. I dwell now only in your eyes."

The music ebbs and swells. The sets and costumes change. The story continues.

Tom again leans close to Karly. "And now she asks Rudolpho if he still thinks her beautiful."

Karly raises a hand and gently covers Tom's mouth. Her eyes are fixed on the stage. She doesn't need his help. The emotions building inside Karly swell as the music is reaching its tragic climax. Her lips tremble. Her eyes fill with tears. Tom glances at her. He studies her for a long moment, watching the emotions play unashamedly across her face. Strangely moved, he takes Karly's hand.

As the opera ends, they are both swept away by it. As the lights come up, Karly wipes off her tear-ruined mascara. She sighs, happy. The woman in the next box smile at her.

"Did you enjoy the opera, dear?" The older woman asks Karly.

"It was so beautiful I just about pissed my pants." Karly tearfully adds.

Tom smiles at the now shocked looking Older Woman and he and the still misty Karly exit.


Back in the jet, Tom and Karly sit side by side.

"If you'd gone on about how much you liked it, I'm not sure I'd have believed you," Tom said.

"I more than liked it." Karly smiled.

"I know. I'm glad."

"Did you enjoy it, Tom?"

"Yes. I've never enjoyed it more. Thank you." He nudged her playfully.

Karly looks at him a moment. And then, leaning slowly forward she kisses him gently on the mouth. He looks at her in surprise. He puts his arms around her and kisses her back. 


Back at the penthouse, Tom's lips met hers, softly at first, then came together more urgently. He tore away and turned her around, unzipping her dress. The red silk fell away, puddling on the floor at her feet. Still she wore the heels but was naked in front of him. 

Tom groaned and walked around to face her. "You are beautiful, darling."

He kissed her again, and Karly fumbled with his shirt until Tom took over, making quick work of the buttons. He reached for her and lifted her off the floor, lowering her on the bed. He kissed her lips again, then her neck, trailing his tongue over one nipple and the other. He stayed there for a while, working each into a tight bud. Karly reached for the button of his pants and undid it. He stood, removing each of her shoes and then the rest of his clothing. She could never tire of seeing him naked. Her eyes fell to his arousal, thick and and swollen. She reached for it and her hands surrounded his hot shaft, he hissed.

She liked that sound. She worked him, up and down, from root to tip and with each groan that escaped his mouth, Karly insisted on continuing. He pulled away and climbed over her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and him against her heat. He groaned and kissed her passionately as he completely filled her. She cried out, her head falling back into her pillow. She covered her mouth to keep quiet, but Tom removed her hand. 

"No, let me hear this," he growled.

He impaled her over and over again. Slowly but deeply. She cried out in ecstasy as he moved deeper and faster, pumping into her. She lost herself in him, and pressure built in her stomach and exploded. Tom came soon after and she felt him pulse inside her, and then he withdrew, a gush of warmth spreading over her thigh.  

In the darkened bedroom, Tom and Karly lie together. Tom cradles Karly. Her back rests against his chest. His arm is over her body.

She takes Tom's hand in her hands and carefully examines it; marvelling at the fingers, the tiny hairs on the back. She gently kisses the palm.

"I love you..." She whispers to him. She clutches Tom's hand tightly to her breast. She closes her eyes, ready to sleep now.

His eyes open. Karly's whispered endearment has filled him with sudden confusion and uncertainty. He stares into the dark, wondering what to do with the woman in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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