Protectiveness and Care

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After me and Niki both calmed down form finding the perfect dresses we turned back to the boys. "Do you have suits?" Niki asked.

"Uhm... no?" Techno answered Wilbur just shaking his head and Sapnap staring blankly i to his tea.

"Alright we are getting you guys suits" I said starting to walk back to the bathroom before... "right after i... take a nap..." fainting is so much fun. So yeah i fainted again.

—————Wilbur POV—————

Athee fainted this time being caught in Sapnaps arm as he still sat on the fluffy carpet now with a unconscious Athee laying in his lap. He just looked at her like he's never seen a human before not saying a word.

"Oh god!! not again!". Niki said running out the room to get a bowl of cold water.

"Again?" Sapnap finally spoke up after about 2 hours still not looking up from the girl in his lap, gently playing with her hair.

"She fainted this morning. Because someone got her sick." Techno said looking like he was one dust particle short of taring Sapnap ito little pieces. "She never gets sick."

"Techno... calm." i said laying a hand on his shoulder seeing his muscles flex as his grip tightened on the armrest.

"And i'm sorry about that." Sapnap said pushing a stand of hair out of her face. "I hope she gets better." he grabbed a pillow scooting out from under her and laying her head on the pillow standing up.

"What are you doing?" i asked.

"I really enjoyed this but i have to go. King George is expecting me." Sapnap said stepping out the door and walking down the stairs.

"Please i want to kill him." Techno stood from his seated position before i sat him back down. "First making her sick and then bailing on her? Who does that?" Technos eyes were trained on Athee.

"Why are you just sitting there? She has to get out of the dress and into her bed." Niki said as she came back. "where is Sapnap?" she asked looking around the room.

"He left." Techno said. I moved form beside him to next to Athee and picked her up. "What are you doing?" Techno asked in a stern tone.

"I wanted to get her to the Bathroom to change." i said.

"Seeing my little sister naked?!" Techno raised his voice at me. I know he is already angry because of Sapnap and it's not like we've never fought before because another guy tried something with his sister, it was just how he was. Once he was in this state of mind every guy that came close to Athee was a foe and he would definitely fight them.

"GUYS!" Niki said getting both our attentions. "I'm not strong enough to change her by myself so i need help form one of you and i would guess Techno doesn't want to see Athee naked and Wilbur already did once." She started to ramble my eyes widening at the last point she made.

"what?" Techno said coldly standing up towering over me. He is definitely stronger than me.

"Look i can explain and nothing happened i promise. Right now we should help Athee get better." I tried to resin with him but i saw the slightly red glint shining in his eyes.

"get away from my sister." he seethed through his teeth staining into my soul.

"Aright." i said laying her back down on the floor backing away with my arms in the air. "Techno i know you. I know you wouldn't hurt me. I'll leave." and i did just that waking out the door and down the stairs.

At the kitchen table sat a distraught looking Sapnap. "Hey didn't you need to go to the palace?"

"oh no i just had to get out of there before Techno killed me." he said looking down at his hands.

"Do you want to get a drink?" I asked  "there's a good bar down the street." i pointed out the door.

"sure. I need to get my mind of off some things."Sapnap stood up. the rest of the night was a blur for me. The two of us got really drunk and he told me all about his little crush on Athee but i don't remember any details.

—————Niki POV—————

After Wilbur left me and Techno somehow got Athee changed out of the ball gown and into some of the comfy clothes Eret gave me this morning. All without Techno actually seeing anything.

Athee now laid in bed as i was trying to get her temperature down using a bowl of cold water and a sponge dabbing it against her forehead. Techno sat in the all to famous armchair reading The Art of War by Sun Zu for the 50th time.

It was getting dark outside and i just heard the door close downstairs. Wilbur probably just left to go somewhere.

"So..." i started. i knew Techno had something on his mind about the whole situation.

"Why him?" Techno murmured his hands interlocking and resting in front of his lips.

"Love is a strange thing." i answered giving my full attention to Athena.

"Yes but he... he's one of George's royal guards, that's so much worse than any other little liking she took to anyone else. Maybe i am to protective." Techno rambled.

"Maybe you are. But we all know its because of your parents." I said, Techno looking at me at the mention of their parents. "All I'm saying is that i understand. Wilbur though... he's been off."  I continue.

"You're right..." He stopped for a second before adding on "Will has been off."

"So you noticed too.." i trailed of to how Wilbur was looking at Sapnap a few hours earlier or how he looked as Athee when she was spaced out while planing the ,masquerade.

"Of course you're right.. you're always right, you give the best advice, you help everyone, you're  easy to talk to." Techno said looking at the floor.

"Thanks" I gave him a small smile as i look back at Athee seeing her move a little "Athee? You awake?" I took her hand in mine ready for anything.

"mhm" she frowned her brows as she slowly opened he eyes. "sorry i fainted again." she mumbled still clearly tiered.

"Its okay. Sapnap left after you fainted and Wilbur left not long after, when..." I looked over at Techno who stood up walking next to me, his black boots standing out agains the cyan puffy carpet.

"when what?" Athee asked voice barely above a whisper as it sounded rather strained.

"Nothing. Do you want some tea with honey?" I asked standing up and walking over to the door.

"that would be lovely, thank you Niki." she answered smiling weakly.

"Alright i'll be back" With that i left and walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

On the dark oak kitchen conter there laid a letter with Wills handwriting.

Im out with Sapnap drinking. Have to think about some stuff. I don't know when ill be back don't wait for me with dinner.


It wasn't uncommon for Wilbur to disappear and going out for a drink and jet every time it happened i would stay up worrying because what if something happened and he comes back hurt and it will be to late when i get to tend his wounds in the morning.

Either way i made my way over to the stove because Wills letter reminded me of one thing: dinner. So i started cooking and made the three of us some soup. Wilbur, if he came home today, could warm up the remains of the soup if he wanted to.

Over all it was a stressful day and we all deserved a good nights sleep but i couldn't. I couldn't sleep.
I couldn't sleep because that selfish man decided to keep me worried all night weather or not he would come home safe.

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