Alkohol and Bros

135 3 15

----------Wilbur POV----------

After i wrote the little message for Niki i grabbed my coat and went out the door together with Sapnap. The air was getting colder as the sun was slowly setting behind the high walls around the great nation i build together with my best friends, friends i would consider my brothers.

The long gravel path which lead us of my property and onto the cobble stone road was soon behind us. The road was free with only a few citizens scattered around talking to each other, saying goodnight for the day, with some couples kissing goodbye before parting at the door.

"So.." I started seeing a couple holding hands walk down the other side of the street. "You like Athena." I stated.

"I don't know..." Sapnap trailed off looking at the cobble path. "I only know that I've never felt like this for anyone." He looked up at me "Look i want to protect her with all my heart but this... feeling is so strong that it feels like its ripping apart my heart." His eyes were sincere.

I let out a heavy breath. "We need to forget this night." With this we stoped in front of the bar "come on." I stepped inside ad greeted Joe the bartender.

"President Soot, what do we owe the pleasure to?" Joe asked.

"Need to forget some shit." I said sitting down at one of the bar stools. "This is Sapnap" i said pointing to the raven haired man next to me.

"What do you drink?" Joe asked him picking out a glass and some vodka for me pouring shot.

"You have whiskey?" Sapnap asked. Joe gave him a look before putting a piece of ice in a glass followed by some whiskey and a lemon twist.

"One old fashioned." Joe said as he slid the ice cold drink in from of the ravenete. Sapnap downed the liquid cringing at the burning sensation in the back of his throat.

"So... why do you care about Athee so much?" Sapnap asked looking at me. I gave joe a sign to refill my glass and downed it before answering.

"We grew up together. Techno didnt let boys get close to Athee as he is very protective of her, but since we all grew up as siblings due to Phil basically taking them in even tough they had parents of their own." i paused taking another shot. "Techno trusted me. I never told him i had feelings for her so i pushed them down. But with her now living in the same house i guess they came back to the surface. Honestly i don't think i actually know her that well." i stopped my rambling looking over at Sapnap.

"Oh..." He simply looked at his drink in hand and downed the liquid once again. "I only saw her three timed but... i don't know i feel a connection with her. See a strong fighter and remarkable at staying with her believes. She doesn't let people get under her skin."

"She is stubborn." I smiled downing my fourth drink that night as Sapnap ordered his third. "Do you drink often?"

"No. Always just work." He slurred a bit as the first drink hit him. Definitely a lightweight. I smiled to myself as i gave Joe the sign to stop giving his actually booze. "George doesn't let us have actually free time. He was such a good friend when we were hunger but now he puts being King over being an actually human being with feelings."

"Its hard to find a good balance between ruling a country and being friends with people. Thats how i almost comepleatly lost Athee." I thought back at all the late nights i spent in my office a Niki o Athee tried to comvince me to go with them to a party of sorts.

"How come?"

"Well when i founded L'Manburg i dove head first into work of where the houses would be alined and the streets that i completely neglected my social life and with Athee being am anarchist like Techno that drove us apart and she almost left for good. So i started focussing more on my friends and gave some of the responsibilities to other peopled so I'm also not a monarch. That whole experience reminded me of why i founded this little nation, For freedom for me and my friends without having to listen to some king that doesn't care."

"Wow." Sapnap said with tears in his eyes. "Bro i didnt know." Yep he was gone. "This war is pointless. You just wanted to be free together with your friends and family who is George to take this away from you?"

"Sapnap you're drunk. We've been here for like 30 minutes." I said laughing at him. "Your tolerance is at zero." i chuckled a bit before stopping. "If you don't believe in this war,then why are you fighting win it?" i asked as i played with the rim of my glass, the clear liquid inside moving a bit from the vibrations.

"Kings orders." He slurs "Kill or be killed." He drank the liquid inside his glass not noticing its non-alcoholic. "i saw the pictures on your fireplace, why the fuck is there a fridge on one of them?"

I let out a laud laugh barely being able to pull it together "that's m-my mother" i managed to choke out between laughs. I whipped away a tear from my eye looking over at the raven haired to see a very confused expression.

"Your mother is a samsung smart fridge?" Sapnap looked at me whilst i probably looked like an absolute maniac.

"haha yeah.." i calmed down signaling for joe to pour me another drink. "My family is a bit different from others."

"Why isn't that blond kid on the picture? I thought you're brothers." He questioned clearly interested without a trace of mischief, not that he would remember tomorrow anyways.

"Tommy... he's not in any family photos because our father doesn't see him as his son... something happened and so Tubbo and his family took Tommy in. That child is constantly trying to make Phil proud, he's so focused he is often perceived as reckless." (my auto fill literally said 'or mentally unstable' so uh... no.)

"Oh... is Philza coming to the masquerade?" Sapnap asked.

"I send him an invite, and since Techno is here he will most likely come too." i answered honestly.

—————time skip—————
About 10 drinks in i too was to drunk to remember things clearly. I remember Sapnap sobering up a bit and joe instructing him to take me home. I remember laying on the gravel path, don't know how i got there. I remember Niki standing in front of the door helping Sapnap carry me up the stairs and lay me on the couch.

The next event are clearer.

"How much did he drink this time?" Niki asked Sapnap both sitting at the kitchen table.

"The Bartender said something about 15 i think, don't worry i payed for the drinks." Sapnap said.

"Thank you for everything." Sapnap put a hand on Nikis folded hands. They both looked at each other smiling. Nope that's it.

"I think you should leave." I said after standing up and walking behind Niki staring at Sapnap protectively.

"Wilbur i don't think he would walk through the woods at this time alone." Niki turned around looking up at me. "You're still drunk go to your room and rest." she put a hand on my forearm giving me a reassuring smile.

She knew i saw his little gesture and how protective i am of her. Her reaction made me ease up a bit and i noticed everything spinning again. "okay i will. Don't stay up to late." I gave her a small peck on her head before walking up the stairs and into my room.

Haha rushed because i haven't uploaded in so long sorry about that. Anyways! Have a good night/day/time<3

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