Wheels and Tears

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I've been laying in my own bed for about two weeks now, as everyone agreed that staying in that hospital bed wasn't that comfortable and they could tae just as good a care of me in my own house. i began to slowly do physical therapy, it started with me just squeezing a rubber ball which was infuriatingly difficult.

The time ha been hard for all of us, dream couldn't stand to see me in pain and techno barely visited. its hard when the strongest person is suddenly the weakest. I couldn't even hold a spoon, but now I've started to relearn to walk with crutches.

Philza hasn't dared to show his face before me again since i threw that vase at him, no one has really seen him, maybe Niki told him to get lost because she hasn't been herself either.

Today was a big day for the younger boys, as Tubbo could finally leave the medical centre and tommy and dream had the idea to take me to our training area, one because they still couldn't find it on their own and two because the fresh air will be good for me.

Sam built be a wheelchair to make it easier to go outside without practically dying from the amount of work it took for me to take even one step.

"Read to go?" Dream came through the door pushing the wheelchair in front of him, a huge smile on his face. He started to wear that creepy mask less and less, even in public, in the first week he would take it of in my room but he was getting more comfortable not only in my house but in L'Manburg in general.

"Sure am." I smiled at him, finally i could get out of this room with a bit more ease and see outside way more. Dream helped me getting out of bed and onto the wheelchair. He carried me and the wheelchair down the stairs, i was concerned for my and his life as he didnt actually see the steps he was taking, i swear one of these days he's gonna get us hurt.

"Athee!" the loud voice of tommy echoed through the room as dream set me back down on the floor. "Ive been training with techno, he said i was getting way better!" He jumped up and down excitedly like a guinea pig (i swear look it up).

"Where is Tubbo?" i asked looking past the teen.

"Oh right, he's been elected president he's probably still doing some legal shit" ,Tommy answered looking at the ground "anyways lets gooo!" he looked back up jumping once, turning on his heel and walking out the door.

Pushing the wheelchair over the uneven forest ground was neither comfortable nor easy as you could hear a annoyed groan come from dream whenever there was a rock or root in the was especially of the smaller wheels at the front.

Sooner than later we where at our destination where i saw Techno looking at the ground first but smiling up at me when he saw we had arrived. "Finally." Techno walked towards me hugging me tightly. "I almost thought this man had kidnapped you." He pointed up at dream giving him a deathly glare.

"Techno we've been over this before, i want Athee to be save." Dream rebutted.

"That doesn't mean you can just take her to your place, when she is way safer at home." Techno stood up fully almost yelling at Dream like i wasn't even there.

"Guys, i still exist y'know?" I snapped my fingers between their faces as they where standing so close you would think they are about to fight like kindergarten children about who gat a toy. "And what are you talking about?" i too wanted to be filled in.

"Dream said he wants to take you to his place so he can take care of you, but i don't trust him, what if he uses you against us as a hostage." Techno turned to me his expression first angry but then turning concerned towards the end of his statement.

"And I've tried to tell your brother, that i just want you to be save and that i think you'd be in better hands with me where i can take care of you 24/7" Dream looked at me pleading that id take his side.

"First of all: i'm not your property, I'm not some object that you can fight over. Second of all: shouldn't i get a say in this? And third of all: Dream i trust you, but id like to stay here with my friends and family." I stated the obvious and in the same breath made everything clear so they would finally stop arguing so much.

"Can we start?" Tommy asked annoyed standing there with training axes, he's probably waiting a good five minutes, and for Tommy that is half a century.

Dream went over to Tommy and took one of the axes from him, Techno getting ready to assist Tommy with some technical word of wisdom as this was just training for Tommy. Dream said he was gonna go easy on Tommy for the sake of practice so it wasn't that much of a surprise when Tommy won with ease.

They decided to go for another round, This time Dream didn't go as easy on Tommy so it was eventually called a tie because they were fighting for a good 20 minutes and they both needed a break.

While the Boys talked some on what Tommy needed to focus on more, i saw a shadow in the woods approaching me. It held a bouquet of flowers, a mix of allium and lilacs, my favourites. It was Phil. I grabbed a rock of the floor and threw it at him.

"Fuck off!" I yelled, gathering the attention of all three boys, who looked over at me glaring at Phil.

"I just want to explain." Phil pleaded dodging every other rock i threw at him, as i obviously didn't stop.

"Athee just hear him out." Techno said, laying a hand on my shoulder.

"NO! he killed Wilbur, you can't expect me to just 'hear him out'" I pushed technos hand away from me, not missing the hurt look in his eyes as i did so.

"Will wanted to kill all of you, he was behind the explosion!" Phil said loudly getting my attention away from Techno.


"He said that everything he build this nation on was worthless and that this whole this was a scam, he wanted to protect you but failed at that, he never wanted to get you hurt." Phil said as he approached me but i didn't look at him, only at the floor. "He was basically forcing me to kill him, pleading, begging for me to ram the sword into him. I didn't want to kill him, I'm sorry." Phil leaned towards me going in for a hug, but i put my hand up stopping his movement, still not looking at him.

I was in shock. If what Phil said was the truth, that would explain why Will didn't want me at the masquerade. It would explain why Phil killed his son, it should explain why Will was acting so weird. "I wanna go home." I said quietly only for Techno to hear.

"Athena please believe me." Phil said trying once more to touch me but i kicked him away from me and to the floor.

"Even if it is true what you are saying, you still killed my best friend, he was like a brother to a lot of people, he was your son! This isn't something i will ever forgive you for." I stood up, leaning over him. "I loved him and you killed him, you will pay for this!" I said through gritted teeth, falling back down onto the chair.

"I'll take you home." Techno said simply pushing me forward ant to my house, helping me back into bed before leaving me alone as per my request so i could think bout everything.

I loved him

I loved him...


I cried myself to sleep that night.


haha yeah omg who would have guessed...

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