Musik and Dances

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—————Athene POV—————

We walked up the stairs to the palace entrance, Niki, Eret and Puffy laughing and the music getting louder as we got closer and closer. "Come on guys, we're already late" I smiled down at them, as I was quite a few steps ahead.

When we finally arrived in the hall, everything looked stunning, the windows were blocked of by black fabric with little holes in it, to make it look as tough it was a starry night, tough the sun was still shining brightly outside. There were two staircases bending down either side of the dance floor, from the door and the railings have been beautifully decorated with vines and flowers, there were candles hanging from the ceiling looking like they were floating, but when you looked closely you could see the fishing line, that didn't make it any less magical tough.

The centre piece chandelier was something directly out of a fairytale, with intricate designs, such as golden leaves and roses. The entire moment of stepping through these big arched doors felt like a dream of every little girl, wishing to be a princess. All heads turned to me and whispering erupted and echoed off the walls. Two Men caught my eye as they shuffled through the crowd taking place at the foot of either staircase, and their eyes were on me waiting to make a decision.

One man dressed in a dark green suit and a smile on his face, his green eyes being brought forward by the green mask sitting atop his facial features and glistening under the light of the candles, Dream.
The other dressed in a black suit with a muted mustard yellow tie, bringing out the golden shimmer in his fluffy hair, but looking at me with a rather concerned expression visible even under the black and gold mask he was wearing, Wilbur.

The decision was rather easy, going to the man that kept secrets from me telling me to not attend the ball of my life, or to the man who has been nothing but kind and supportive towards me, even when he wanted to fight me. So I went to Dream.

When he saw me taking the first steps down the staircase he walked up to meet me, taking my hand in his, kissing it and walking down the remaining stairs with me. Everyone was looking at us. "You look beautiful tonight" Dream said leaning towards me. "May I have this dance?"

I looked toward him and gave him a yes, as we danced to the music played by the band I couldn't get myself to break our eyecontact, I've never seen his eyes before, the only part of his face I saw was his mouth when we had that kiss yesterday, where I just barely moved his usual mask out of the way, but with the mask he was wearing now, almost all his face was visible, even light freckles were peaking out from under it. I got completely lost in the moment so I didn't even realize the music had stoped until Dream stopped our movement all together.

I heard someone clearing their throat behind me, so I turned around only to see my brother, not only looking at Dream with a death glare but also holding out his hand asking to dance with me. I looked back at Dream for a second before taking Technos hand and starting to dance with him, along with a lot more distance between us then me and Dream were sharing. "Why did you choose him?" Techno asked as he ceased the opportunity to talk to me without anyone interrupting.

"Because Wilbur was a huge Arsehole for the past few days." I answered dryly.

"I don't want to see you hurt, are you sure about him? Do you trust him?" Techno continued.

I looked to the floor for a moment before looking back directly into his eyes "Yes." I moved my focus to Dream standing at the side declining every dancing offer he got from other women. "At least I think I can trust him, he was there for me through a lot, he knows how to calm me down, sure he's not that grate a fighter" I let out a small laugh with that statement "but he's a great listener."

Techno nodded "If you trust him, I trust him." I mumbled a quick thank you "If anyone ever hurts you, please tell me."

"Only if you promise not to kill anyone." After he confirmed, I told him what happened with Sapnap the day prior. And when our dance was finished I saw him walk in the direction Sapnap was standing, but I know Techno never breakers a promise, so I'm not too worried. Then Wilbur and Dream came walking towards me from two different sides, I turned to Dream but Will took my hand and pulled me with him towards a tall glass door that lead to a balcony, he quickly pulled me outside, being careful not to disturb the atmosphere Inside the room.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a stern voice. "I told you not to come." He looked pissed and worried at the same time, how that works, I have no idea.

"You're not the boss of me." I said and walked back to the door, but being pulled back by Wilbur. "Stop trying to control my every move, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I raised my voice at him.

"I CANT TELL YOU!" He shouted, clearly looking disappointed in him self for loosing his cool. "Just... please leave, I don't want this to hurt you."

"If you're talking about Dream, you have nothing to be worried about." I kept the tone of my voice rather angry but didn't talk as loud, "You're acting like a jealousy boyfriend, but I don't know if you know this, but you're not." I was so dissapinted in him, that it made me angry.

"Please I just want to protect you. And this has nothing to do with Dream." He softened his facial expression, just looking worried at this point.

"I don't care. I'll go have fun now, and you won't ruin this night. Understood?!" This man is so much work. I walked back inside leaving Will on the balcony alone. When I got back inside, everyone was once again staring at me, they probably heard everything, given that it was a glass door and we were shouting at each other. Oh well. I walked over to Dream who asked if I was okay, I said yes and we went back to dancing.

This is gonna be the best day of my life and Wilbur is not going to ruin it.

This was gonna be the best day of my life and Wilbur was not going to ruin it.

As the day went on and eventually turned into night, me and Dream shared a lot of dances and just generally had a great time. Phil was supposed to be here but he's no where to be found, I couldn't help but be worried about him and I talked to Techno, but he wasn't much help either because he just kept saying that Phil is fine.

The black fabric previously covering the windows were removed letting the light of the moon come in and revealing the true starry night behind it. I said it once and I'll say it again: it was like a fairytale.

I had a lot of fun, Tommy and Dream actually got along for once, the band was playing my favorite song and I was singing along to the melody, Techno was relaxed, Tubbo was catching fireflies with Niki, Eret and Puffy would be winning a contest with their dancing, just Wilbur disappeared after we had our fight on the Balcony.

Then George an Sapnap walked towards me. Sapnap looked as though he was about to pass out he looked so horrified and George just looked a little worried. "Athena you need to leave now. Dream please escort her out of the palace." George said sternly.

"No." I simply responded, George is not my king, I made that really clear and honestly, I'm sick of people trying to control my every move.

"That is an order from your king." He looked at Dream. The blond took my hand but I pulled it away. "Dream." George said again in a more commanding tone.

"George, I will not leave." I looked him dead in the eye but he was still looking at Dream. "Dream, it is your day off." I reminded him.

"I am still your King." George reminded him.

"Athee, please just leave, it will make this easier for all of us." Dream turned to me. I said a irritated 'no' and walked away, but didn't leave, I won't give them the satisfaction.

I heard a loud bang and everything went black.

New chapter! Woooooo
Not as long as I wanted it to be tbh, but I am going to split this I two so it will be out to you guys sooner, next chapter will be out as soon as it's done!

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