Hang overs and Conditions

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—————Athena POV—————
4 days before the masquerade.

I woke up in a rather sweaty bed, it was really uncomfortable and i felt a lot better than last night so i stood up and found myself in a comfortable jumper along with my usual sleeping pants.

I walked down the stairs taking note of the sun being high in the sky as i probably slept in since my body needed the rest. Downstairs i found a rather hungover Wilbur sitting at the table a still sleeping Sapnap on the sofa with a comforter draped over him and Techno sitting in his Armchair reading a book. "Where is Niki" my voice sounds like shit.

"You're awake!" Techno jumped from his seated position grabbed me by my shoulders and sitting me down where he left. "Do you need something? Tea, soup, a blanket or anything else." his voice was hectic and somewhat loud.

"shhhhh" came from the couch where Sapnap was laying. "don't be so loud."

"what's up with him?" I asked wondering why the raven haired was here after Niki said he left after i fainted last evening.

"Him and Wilbur had a bit much to drink last night." Techno explained giving the hung over boys death glares. "but that's not of importance. how are you?" he turned back to me.

"I'm fine but where is Niki?" I answered in an attempt to calm his nerves down a but in reality i still felt a bit sick.

"I'm right here." came from the door where Niki came in with a basket full of groceries as Wilbur rushed to help her taking the heavy basket from her and setting it down on the kitchen counter before moving to put away everything to their respective places in the kitchen cabinets.

"WERE HAVING RABBIT FOR DINNER!" a loud british child burst through the door Niki entered seconds ago with a dead rabbit in hand. "OI WHATS THE GUARD DOING ON OUR COUCH." he continued his fit as he put the rabbit away.

"TOMMY SHUT UP." Wilbur interjected his screaming looking irritated. "where were you yesterday?" Wilbur asked.

"I was at Tubbos house." The boy looked frightened to say the least, you could almost see his should leave his body when Wilbur screamed at the boy wearing his normal red and white t-shirt tough it seemed to have accumulated even more dirt during the time not spent at home.

(a/n smol life update: i am desperately trying to fix my hair right now... help.)

Wilbur seemed furious and at the same time very resorted like he had the world on his shoulders. "Athee got really sick." he murmured like it was the blonds fault.

(a/n also finally have a plan what to do next)

"what?" Tommy turned to me looking worried "is everything okay now?!" he said a bit panicked.

"Yes Tommy, i'm better now. It was just a small cold." I answered, trying to cover up the raspyness in my voice.

"You fainted twice, A, it wasn't 'just a small cold." Niki interjected from the kitchen.

"That doesn't matter. I'm fine now." I reassured them again. "The question is, is Sapnap fine?"

The raven haired mumbled something inaudible from the couch as he sat up a bit. "I should go back to the palace." he got up but immediately stumbled as i flinched to try to catch him if he sound fall.

"Techno can you accompany him i dont want him to get hurt." I looked up at my brother with hopefull and pleading eyes.

"sure." he murmured seeming unhappy with my  request.

"I don't want to cause any inconvenience." Sapnap said.

Techno mumbled something inaudible followed by Sapnap asking what he said before he bacically raised his voice at the hung over guard. "should have thought about that before you ran away when Athee needed your help." he snapped.

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