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Based on the video above...

Flashback 30

The sailors were out on a late night job, catching fishes in a net. They dropped over 700 pounds of fish into each net which is too much for the environment between sea and land. Kuvira was trying her best to untangle herself out of the net. As she was quickly being pulled up the smell of fish and blood quickly caught her attention. " Ready?," A sailor called. President Raiko was standing on a ship, watching the ocean being quickly cleared by the sailors and his orders 3 times a day. The water was slowly running out of fish and the mermaids didn't realize it yet the fire and the arctic mermaids. But what about the earth mermaids? i'm sure they are fully aware of what's going on, so why haven't they stopped them? Once the net reached up Kuvira gasped. The pain was unbearable. She screamed bloody murder through the net, body covered with fish head to toe. Raiko turned his head from the water and looked at the net. Once the sakor opened the net he was knocked out by a strong mermaid tail. The tail hit him so hard in the face it snapped his neck in a critical condition. Green like seaweed and vines popped out of the water and started attacking the sailors including the president. Kuvira broke through the water and started dragging herself like a scorpion on the ground. Her powers forced all the electricity on the boat quickly turn off leaving nothing but her glowing eyes and her glowing fins in battle mode. 

( If you watched siren her battle mode  looks like Tia's mermaid tail except for red it has green)

"Call for backup," Raiko ordered. " The radio doesn't work," the sailor yelled back. The girls stinger was sharper than a knife and she wasn't afraid to use it. The glowing green siren could kill them if she wanted but this was her chance to go back to the water. She picked herself up and started to slither like a half human half snake walking. President raiko saw her through the glass of the door. He grabbed a tranquilizing gun and kicked open the door. Once he kicked open the door he shot her in the back.The siren screamed in anger. Her powers with the spirit vines was rapidly raising, grabbing the president by the neck.He dropped the gun and started choking." RAKO!," the sailor said, grabbing a nearby axe, left for emergency only. He ran outside and tried to swing the axe at the mermaid. The seaweed vines grabbed him by his foot and dragged him underwater. Once the seaweed dragged the sailor underwater the vines wrapped it'self around the sailor's neck and strangled him until blood gushed through the water." S-SETH!," Raiko said, slightly choking. Before the vines could finish him off they slowly fell asleep. The mermaid dropped, passed out on the floor. At that moment the light turned on. President Raiko as able to stand and walk towards the phone. " We are in a need for backup....

Kuvira slightly opened her eyes. Her green glowing eyes watched as she was cramped up inside a tank. The Drs were working on something big, something that could either save or cause a pollution to her home. She watched as the human scientist crowded around the tank she was left in and started writing down reports and taking pictures. This were their new orders they had to follow. If the president is fascinated by this project than it's their duty as scientist to run more test and experiments until they find more answers. The door opened to reveal Zhu Li. She put her purse down and quickly walked through the door. She was running late for work. " Hey Zhu Li," she heard a voice call. She turned her head to see Varrick with oil smeared on his clothes. He was working on the boat fluids to make sure it's 110 % safe to go across the atlantic ocean and back. Of course Varrick didn't know why they wanted to travel that far out south but he didn't bother questioning them. All that matters is that his long childhood friend was here at last. Zhu Li blushed at his image. " Oh...hey Varrick, still working on the machines i see," she said, giving him a small smile. " Correct," He said,using his towel to wipe the oil off his hands. " Do you need anything?," he asked. " Um..Coffee would be ok," she said.

" Which one Caffeine or decafed?." he asked. She giggled in return. " you know my favorite," she said. " Of course i do," he called. " you know i'm just messing with you," he said, slightly pinching her cheeks. " I'll have them in a minute," he said, walking away,.She giggled in response." Ok," she respond. In return she waited for a second until she felt this sense, like a powerful sense that burned through her veins. " AH," she slightly screamed. She rolled her neck realizing her eyes were slightly glowing bright green. She covered her eyes in return. If anyone saw her eyes glowing they would ock her in here and never let her out until they run several test, and she didn't want that. To be honest she haven't felt this sense in a long time and it  felt kind of  new to her. her real scales painfully showed on her arm. Once the senses were over her scales painfully turned back into human skin. " Zhu Li are you alright?," Varrick asked. Zhu Li heavily breathed and looked at Varrick who was standing over her, watching her every move. She sighed and stood up straight. " Thanks for the coffee," she answered, slightly breathing. " No problem," Varrick said. Zhu Li slightly took a sip. it taste like heaven to her and the fact Varrick never forgot makes him seem loyal enough.

The scientist brushed passed her with camera's, aiming towards one particular room. "Where are you all going?," Varrick asked. " President Raiko and his sailors found a real life mermaid," she said. Zhu Li frowned at the news. A new mermaid? How? And since when did they find her. All mermaids know not to go near the sailors unless they are too close to their territory. Is that how the "Mermaid" got caught. Zhu Li couldn't help but put a sickingly fake smile on her face. " Oh...that's...great," she said, trying not to lash out. " I know right? at first i didn't think mermaids were real but i guess The little mermaids were based on a true story," The female scientist said, walking away. Varrick raised an eyebrow. " Funny, they never told me they had a new test subject," Varrick said, before sipping on his coffee. " Test subject?," Zhu Li asked, slightly offended. " Well what are we waiting for?," he asked. " let's check this out," he said before walking away. Zhu Li gave him a fake smile. Once he walked away her smile turned back into a frown, She sighed and walked towards the room. The dropped her coffee at the image she was facing. What was in front of her was a earth mermaid being pulled up towards the surface. The machine dragged her towards the other side and turned the lights on along with the warm AC. 

Zhu Li looked over to see Raiko standing in his professional position.. She quickly noticed he was wearing a neck brace. Whatever happened last night must've had something to do with "seaweed"  " President Raiko," Zhu Li called, walking through the crowd towards him. He slightly looked at her with a firm expression on his face. " What is all of this?," she asked. " This is our new assignment," he said. She looked at the green eyed siren, senses becoming stronger between the two of them. Zhu li slightly  took her eyes off of the mermaid and looked at the president who seemed oddly proud of this new lab rat he captured in a net. " W-why are all these people here?," she asked. " shouldn't this be secret?," she asked. " These are our new orders, "he said. " we need to keep her occupied," he said. Zhu Li fearfully looked at the project. Once the siren was hot enough she started to transform (video above).

Zhu Li couldn't stand to watch it anymore. She walked away, trying to block the painful transformation out. Once the transformation was over Raiko looked shocked.

" well i'd be a monkey's uncle"

Alright that's all write next time see ya :)

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