Well that was awkward

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Korra moved her head in an angle, she didn't know where she was or what she was tied up to. Right now she was in a room filled with nothing but white washed walls and a light that made the walls hurt your eyes if you stare at it to long. Korra didn't really mind the bright light, she was more focused on how she was going to make it out of there without having any blood spilled on her hands.  The sound brushing through her head ringed in her ears until it turned into a clear song. Korra's eyes slightly widened, pupils getting small. She knew where that voice belonged to. It was deep and was made through the arctic river during the a stormy night when the sailors crossed the pacific ocean and the icy tundra. The song was supposed to be a luring song but the sound waves that was produced from the sirens mouth says otherwise. The way she sung the song was calm and somewhat personal. Korra knew where she heard this song before. She blinked twice to a loud noise coming through the metalic door. The door opened to reveal Kya, Asami, and the metal police. Korra was unfazed to see Asami or Kya again but the metal police was another story, she already killed one maybe she could kill another. " Is that her ma'am?," The metal cop asked, looking at the two girls behind him. Asami shook her head along with Kya. " Yes," Asami answered. The metal cop sighed. " Alright ma'am, give me a second," he said, sorting through the keys. As the metal cop gotten closer, Korra watched. Even though she wasn't hungry her instinct wanted to freeze him. Kya had this vision showing korra freezing the poor cop. Kya slightly shook her head and walked towards the board Korra was strapped to. " I don't think that's a good idea," she said, slightly putting the cops hand down.

The metal cop gave her a confused look. " Are you sure ma'am? Without the key these chains are pretty hard to get out of," he explained. Kya grabbed the back of the board and strolled her towards the door. " Don't worry, i'll take care of it," she said. The metal cop sighed. He didn't know if this woman was crazy or delusional, there is absolutely no way you can break open those chains without a key to the board she was chained to. Once they made it down the hallway Kya opened the double doors. " Are you sure you can handle it?," he asked. Kya scoffed a little. " Don't worry, for the last time i have it all under control," She said. She grabbed the end of the board and strolled it safely down the steps.


On the ride Korra was sitting at the back of the seat a little tied. Asami was driving and Kya was looking out of the window as usual. Asami was able to catch her glimpse. She turned to the side and looked at her angry friend. " Listen, i'm sorry about today, i was trying to help out," Asami sadly said. Kya sighed. " I'm not mad at you, i'm worried about you," she answered. Kya turned to the side and looked at her with hope in her eyes. " Are you sure you can handle her in your custody?," Kya asked. Asami sighed. " I guess...i mean that's the least i could do and besides, since i'm rich it's pretty easy to pay off the charges," she said, giving her a small smile. Kya shook her head in agreement. During the ride they stopped at a small store. Kya sighed and unbuckled her seat. " Don't worry, i'll work things out with my boss until then just stay here and keep an eye on her," Kya explained. Asami shook her head in agreement. Kya sighed and closed the door. Korra kept wiggling, trying to get out of the car. Once the broke from the coat that was supposedly trapped in her nose trickled at a smell. Asami wanted it to be silent. She didn't know what to say to her, all she wanted to say was sorry for getting her in trouble or at least get to know her. Asami sighed and decided to at least start a conversation before things get awkward. " I know this is a bit awkward but do you mind telling me what that was all about?," Asami asked.  Korra wasn't listening, she was to focused on the weird smell. She followed the scent towards Asami's hair. Korra grabbed a huge amount and harshly forced Asami's head back. " Ow," Asami quickly said, seething in pain. Korra put her hair towards her nose and started to take a good breather towards it.

Korra eyes glowed in delight as she kept it towards her nose. " What....is....this?," she asked, lace of curiousness hidden in her voice. Asami stuttered for a moment but was able to build the courage to speak. " I-it's shampoo, peach flavored," Asami answered. " Shampoo?," Korra slightly asked. " In my tribe we never used...shampoo," she explained. Asami slightly gulped. " W-we put it in our hair to...make it smell good," Asami said. Korra kept staring at the handful of hair she had in her hands. " I like this smell," she answered. Korra leaned in more to where she reached her neck. Asami tensed up at her tension and warmth. Her blue eyes glowing. Korra wanted to know more about, peaches she's speaking of. In her tribe they never heard of it. Usually their hair is filled with so much salt water she used to wonder how they still have straight hair that's easy to comb through. Sweat slowly formed on Asami forehead, slightly running down towards her face. As the arctic siren leaned in to see how humans smell different Asami started blushing. Korra eyes furrowed and harshly pushed her head back. Asami rubbed the back of her head, slightly sweating. Well that was awkward....

Alright that's all for today, i'll try to write next time see ya :)

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