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No one's pov...

As the chief of police stepped out of the car Asami and Kya's eyes widened at the same time. " Alright chief Beifong, long time no see-," " Silence Kya," Lin said. " Ok," Kya half whispered. She made her way towards Asami with murder in her eyes. If her eyes were the grim reaper she would drop like a fly. There is no one else on this planet that could be as scary as the chief of one of the best police force in all of republic city. She walked towards Asami who was standing in front of her car, trying her best not to show any fear. Once she stopped in front of her she looked down at the woman who was obviously intimidated by her glare." What's going on here?," Lin asked. Asami gulped in response. " I was just driving through the neighborhood looking for a cup of sugar and-," " cut the garbage Mrs Sato, i have a report saying that you're  helping a terrorist that's been walking naked around these parks," she said in her firm voice.  Asami's eyes halfway widened. She folded her lips and spoke. " Terrorist? I haven't seen any terrorist around here, like i said earlier i came around the neighborhood to borrow a cup of sugar because i'm planning on making kool aid," Asami lied. Lin raised and eyebrow.  Sweat ran down Asami's forehead. She felt like a suspect. The chief kept her look that could scare a person who claims to be the bravest person alive. The chief looked at her sato mobile for a second and  back at the girl who was trying to be still as a rock. It was silent for a moment until she finally spoke. " Step to the side, i'll need to check your car," Chief Beifong ordered. Asami wanted to jump at her order. The sweat ran faster down her face, like her sweat was running away from the intimidating chief, and it wasn't even that hot outside. Before the chief could take one step Asami stepped in front of her, trying to block her entrance. " Do you really have to? There's really no one but sugar in there," Asami said, feeling like she was trying to protect a criminal.

Lin looked down at her with the grim reaper in her eyes. At that very moment Asami should've just gave up and dropped dead, there was absolutely no way you can try to convince the chief otherwise she could suspect you of being a partner in crime. Realizing what she said Asami cleared her throat " Or you could just-," " Step to the side NOW,"  the chief ordered again. " yeah, that sounds like a great idea, i will just stand right here while you-," Asami caught Lins expression. She stopped talking and stepped a little closer beside Kya. " Yeah," was the last thing she said before the chief left to go check the car. Inside the car Korra was still sitting peacefully. At first she had her eyes closed, dreaming about the times she spent with her little sister. She remembered the time she carved her first spear, the time they both skinned 12 fish for dinner, which is optional for mermaids to do, and the time they made their first indivisual song together. As the memories washed in her head like the wind making waves in the sea her eyes reopened at the sound of something and the smell of someone. As her senses kicked in like fire Korra's glowing eye pupils looked out of the window to see...her again. 

The same woman she almost killed on her first day on land. The woman she should've killed with her bare claws.  The flashback entered Korra's head, showing her the time she threw a metal pole at her and instead of it hitting the chief it hit her metal car, causing it to go off. The reflection in Korra's eyes turned from anger to hunger. In Korra's mind that pole might've saved her last time but she might not be alive this time. Korra stomach growled, she has completely forgotten about how hungry she was. Being in an overwhelming mob made her work up an appetitie. As lin looked inside of the window her eyes widened. Just as much as Korra recognized her, Lin also recognized Korra. The memories of fear striking into her head, about the time a  metal pole almost went through her skull. If it wasn't for her dodging skills she learned through her teenage years she knew she wouldn't be standing in front of a Sato Mobile today. The fear in the chief eyes didn't show, she knew she had to be firm, even through the most awkward times of the day, including this one. Lin sighed and simply knocked on the window. " Chief of police, open the door," she ordered. Korra wasn't listening, her words was at the back of her head and not going through her ignoring hearing. She watched the woman knocked on the window yes but the Chief was unaware of who she was looking at. The smell of her blood was delicious. Korra's mouth watered at the firm image, she would make a great cuisine. Lin became annoyed, she wanted to be gentle but she doesn't like stubborn people. She knocked on the window again only a little harder. " I'm not going to repeat myself, open the door now ma'am," she ordered. Korra senses kicked in. She used half of her strength to slam her hands on the window, halfway cracking the window. Her eyes looked psychotic with death and hunger.

When she slammed her hands on the window the Chief eyes widened in surprise. Of course she was crazy but her strength was no joke. She looked at the chief as her eyes started to glow. Asami and Kya was awkwardly standing beside each other, watching the chief beside the car. Asami couldn't stop shaking. It was only a matter of time before Kya could make her feel better. " Calm down it'll only be for a minute," Kya reassured. " I know it's just-," Kya patted her on the shoulder. " if we get arrested i'll explain everything, she'll understand," Kya said. Asami took that time to breathe for once, that was exactly what she needed to hear. She stood there and sighed. " Thanks, that's exactly what i needed to hear," she said. " Don't mention it," Kya said, giving her a friendly smile. They looked back at the car and watched the chief. Kya sighed. " What is taking her so long?," she asked.

As korra watched her stomach growled, causing a shockwave through her veins. Lin knocked on the door again, already irritated as it seems. " I am losing my patience with you, please step out of the car NOW!," she ordered. Korra gave her a look. Who does she thinks she is? In all honesty Lin don't scare her, it's Korra's job to do the scaring. Chief Beifong didn't realize that longer she stay around her the more danger she was put in. When the chief asked to open the door again Korra responded by licking the car window. WIthout another moment passed Korra used her full strength and punched the door open. The door flew open and almost hit the chief upside her forehead. Korra couldn't take it anymore, she was to hungry. Kya felt the senses and ran towards the commotion. Before Korra could jump on the police chief and kill her Kya was able to use her strength to stop her. She was able to drag Korra off of her and held her captive. Korra growled in anger and stuck her nails through Kya's hand, drawing blood. Kya groaned in pain but it wasn;t compared to when she used to be in a mermaid arena, those were the days she almost broke other mermaids neck with her stinger.  Korra used that opportunity to make Kya let her go. Once she broke free she tried to finish the job and claim her prey. Kya didn't give up she grabbed Korra by her arm with blue mystical dust in her hand. Korra was now becoming irritated with her. She wanted to kill her, but how could she finish the job if she has another mermaid trying to stop her? This was beyond annoying. Korra teeth grew sharp. She turned around towards Kya, if she can't have lin than what makes Kya think she could have her? In her opinion she thinks the only reason why Kya was trying to stop her is because she's trying to claim victory even though it was more than that.  Kya didn't waste no time. She blue the dust in her face. Korra's eye pupils grew big. The blanket swaying on her body. She stepped back a few time before falling backwards. Asami was able to catch her before she could fully reached the grass. Lin didn't waste no time at all. She stood up with wide eyes after dusting herself off. Kya had a nervous smile on her face. " I'm really sorry, she haven't taken her meds today." Kya lied. It was quite obvious Lin didn't want to believe them. She sighed and gave them a death glare. "Forget it, you three are coming with me," She answered. " Wait a minute you're taking us to jail?," Kya asked in disbelief.  Lin looked at kya without an answer escaping her lips. Kya was beyond shocked she wanted to let go of Korra but she knew if she does she would go back to trying to kill the chief again. Kya sighed. " Lin you know me, we can talk about this like normal people," she added. Lin scoffed." We can talk all you like in the interrogation room," she finished. As she left  three metal cops came. It  was easy to handcuff both Korra, Kya, and Asami at the same time. Kya sarcastically lowered her eyelids " Welp i'm fired," Kya shrugged, never in her life have she ever thought she would be arrested, Lin know who Kya and Asami is, over the past few years she has developed a different personality. At first she wasn't heartless instead she was more outgoing. But that's no longer her, the Lin they met today was not the Lin Kya know's. What happened? Was it the fight between her mother? Is it because she's has a lot of weight on her shoulders? Or maybe is because

she never got over her breakup...

Alright's that's all for today, i will try to come up with more idea's but until then see ya :)

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