Silver Lining (Silvija Sablinova, aka Silver Sable)

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"Rhino, listen to me. Whatever line Doc' sold you on... that this is a great thing, that what you're doing here is gonna help the world, it's no true, Alexei" Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, found himself with Symkarian mercenary Silver Sable in front of a grinning Rhino. Peter knew for a fact that whenever Rhino was determined to do something, he would see it through. So with that in mind, Peter didn't have much determination on getting Alexei to back down but he would try either way. "I know him. I've spent more time with Ock than any of you. Please believe me. He's up to no good"

"I know. He told me" Peter wanted to call out his name, to try just one last time before he would have to resort to more drastic measures, but even the now serious look of Rhino made Peter think twice before speaking. "The only thing that mattered to me in my life was my Oksana. My wife... Our marriage" Peter grimaced underneath his metal mask, remembering the death of Rhino's wife very clearly. The man was still grieving and Peter could see that he was taking that pain out on the world. "When she was taken from me... When that was gone... How could I live in a world where such a thing was possible?"

Peter gulped a bit, sensing something more was coming. Not from behind him, his sixth sense hasn't warned him about it, but from Rhino himself. Peter had carefully moved closer to Silver Sable's position, carefully protecting the woman who had accompanied him throughout this entire adventure.

"So, yes. I know what Octavius is planning. Because he promised me that I could watch the world burn" Silvija, Silver Sable's real name, was actually disgusted with the man in front of her. She may be a mercenary and often kills many people, but she does it for the sake of her country... Of Symkaria. Is the sole reason in which she accompanied Spider-Man into this hellish adventure. Plus she couldn't deny that being near him brought her a sense of protection. Their past together being the sole reason for her feelings.

"He's mad. There's no reasoning with him. And there's no time" Sable argued, trying to see if there was a way out of their situation. Trying to fight Rhino was anything but a win. Either one of them moved forward while the other fought, or the two of them miraculously managed to escape the hulking man. Plus they still needed to stop Octavius from proceeding with his plans.

"He's stronger than me, Silver, and damn near immovable. We are not getting through him" Sable could only glance slightly at Spider-Man, a tad disappointed in the hero's reasonings. She knew that with their speed, they could at least manage to evade Rhino long enough for them to arrive at Octavius' location. She needed to protect Symkaria, she was their leader... their protector. And she would do anything to help her kingdom.

"We don't have to. We're both faster. Go! We rush him on either side. He can't stop both of-"

"I don't have to" it was then that everything went in slow motion for Silver Sable. Rhino's hand was moving towards her direction, its motion to capture her and never let go of her body. She knew for a fact that she was not going to be able to move out of the way fast enough to dodge such an attack from the villain. Thankfully, she didn't have to do anything in that regard, because sooner than what she might think, she was already out of the way. She looked back, only to see Spider-Man struggling to hold back the monstrous hand of Rhino.

"Please... Don't let me resort to this..." Silver could hear the whisper of the arachnid hero. She was actually pondering what the man was thinking right now. But only one thought came to her mind as she began to analyze the arachnid hero's voice a bit clearer. Was... Was Spider-Man going to kill Rhino just to save her?

"I win by making you suffer. And you care about everyone, so this is my way of winning against you!" Rhino yelled, making Sable take a step back as she could see Spider-Man struggling a bit more. She even began to see just how the water level was already on their waists, telling her that they had to do something right now before they were consumed by the waters. "I don't have to kill you! All I have to do is to make you suffer defeat!"

"Then I am sorry Alexei... I hope you see your wife soon" And it were those words that made Silver gasp in shock. Her thought turned into reality when in a blink of an eye, Spider-Man had escaped his struggles and had striked Rhino in the eyes, blinding the villain long enough for the arachnid hero to escape with her.

Both of them stood quiet during their run towards Otto's location. Neither wanted to talk about what had just happened at that moment. Both of them knew that they had to talk about it sooner or later but at that moment, they needed to concentrate on something far worse before they could concentrate on their personal questions. Because it was the moment to stop Otto Octavius once and for all!

Time Skip; A Day Later

Silver Sable was currently relaxing as she could feel the rays of the sun over her body. She had managed to escape from the bomb that Otto's base had become alongside Spider-Man. But neither villains managed to come out surviving that encounter. Rhino died because he ended up drowning to death and Otto died midway during their escape over Spider-Man's shoulders, the poison in his body finally finishing the job.

"Hey Silver... You wanted to talk with me?" Silver opened her eyes, lowering her sunglasses to be able to see Spider-Man in his more classic suit, looking at her. She smiled slightly before she stood up, her platinum bikini merging with her pale skin. She grabbed a nearby towel and proceeded to walk towards the insides of the yacht that she owned. She sat on her chair, watching just how Spider-Man kept his body reclined to the wall of the yacht. "So? What's with the privacy?"

"Tell me... Would you help me with something else... Peter Parker?" She let out a slight grin at seeing just how the lenses of the arachnid hero went wide in shock. She had dedicated a full day to be able to find the identity of Spider-Man. Her Wild Pack had gone beyond her belief and had found out the identity of the hero.

"H-How... Just how did you-"

"My Wild Pack can be resourceful when I want something done quickly" Sable simply stated as she watched the shocked arachnid hero give out a sigh as she watched the arachnid hero remove his mask and show her his face. She smirked a bit, already liking the view.

"And? What now?" Peter narrowed his eyes at Silver Sable, watching just how the woman stood up from her seat. He raised a brow at the motion. Why sit down on the chair if she was going to stand up just a couple of seconds later? It didn't make any-

It was then that his train of thoughts came to an end as the man experienced the lips of the monarch of Symkaria once more. His eyes were as wide as the time he had gotten the kiss back before their whole adventure against his villains.

"I want you to be the king of Symkaria... And you don't have any say on the matter~" Sable stated before kissing the arachnid hero once more. She knew that the man had someone to return to in New York, but she was more than glad to steal him away from that woman. She needed him by her side, their adventure together proved more than enough to her that they were very compatible with each other. And she was not going to give up on the man she was kissing right now.

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