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[TW: Light Swearing, Mentions of Injuries, Implied Disasters]


The Hiroshima Household, just like any other. In a comfortable home not too cheap nor expensive, their hair a common earthy brown but their eyes a vibrant colorful red.

Nothing out of the ordinary.


"Chi, dear~!" The Aoi singsonged as she and engulfed her child in a hug, a smile on her face, "Get ready, a special guest is coming today," 

The young boy's doe eyes widened as stars exploded in his eyes, his short arms wrapping around his mother's body as he returned the hug. "I-Is papa coming home?" 

The big grin on her face gave the boy all the answers he needed as his mouth twitched upwards and a smile nestled on his face. 

Warmth spread over the boy's cheeks as he felt his hands tremble at the thought, stepping back from his momma's embrace, grabbing her hands with his much smaller ones shaking them up and down with every word, "Sure? Really really sure?!"

"You bet! Papa's coming home!" Aoi confirmed with glee, her smile as wide as her child's as she carried him up, snuggling her face close to her son's. "We're going to have all our favorites tonight! It's gonna be a big feast!"

He had missed his papa so much, he was away for work and was too busy to even call. He knew he had to be a good boy and be patient, but he's been gone so long he couldn't help it! He was just so.. so...


When Chitsume suddenly heard the deafening silence, he looked down to see his momma's agape mouth, her eyes wide with shock. Hesitantly he froze, and asked, "M-Momma..?"

It wasn't till he got engulfed in another hug and his Mother's happy voice said, "My baby, you have a quirk!"

Chitsume was again stunned as he turned around to see a white scaly serpent-like dragon giddily float around him with their small little white wings, at the corners of his peripheral vision his red eyes watch in awe as his brown hair slowly turn white at the tips. 

He had a quirk.


As nightfall reached its peak, Chitsume sat criss-cross apple sauce on the couch, jumping up and down occasionally watching as he dipped down with the couch. He played with his new friend while the TV played in the background. 

The little dragon curled around the boy's wrist, snuggling into their palm as they kyuu'ed. A small giggle left the boy's mouth when the little dragon climbed up and started nomming on their now brown-white ombre.


"Momma? Did you break something..?" Chitsume asked as he turned his head to the kitchen, seeing the broken glass on the floor, all of a sudden, he sees his mom run straight at him.

"Chitsume!" Her hands shielded the boy's smaller body as everything started to shake, his mother's scream was barely audible at the crash and crack of glass, shelves, and everything around them. The roof started shaking as well, as small bits of pieces of it starting to collapse on the ground.

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