IX. Little Pink Mouse

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"..Did you.. Did you just.?" Ashida whispered in slight disbelief, her hand freezing in his hair. 

The other people close to him turned to him with raised eyebrows, hearing the sound even amongst this mess of humans.

"Hahaaha-.. o-of course not!" Chitsume said, sweat starting to trickle down his forehead as his cheeks started to pink.  "Me? Purr? Never! I-I mean what?"


Suddenly a loud voice yelled among the crowd, a familiar body floating up and sticking to the wall just above the exit sign. It was Iida! .. Looking a lot like an emergency exit sign, too!

Finding his opportunity, Chitsume wiggled through the crowd as everyone's attention was now on Iida, hiding his face in his arms as he ran away, evacuation be damned, his shame was going to kill him faster than whatever this emergency is could. Well, he tells himself that.

Running back to the hallways, he went inside the first room he could find, the teacher's lounge. He was glad to find that there were no teachers inside, but that didn't mean there the room was empty.

At the corner of Chitsume's eyes, he saw a small glimpse of a shadow of a body, but in the next second, it was gone. "H-Hey, uh, don't think you're supposed to be here- eh?"

Chitsume stood there confused, his shame replaced now with uncertainty, and with fear.

Reluctantly, he walked closer to where he saw the silhouette of a body, though was left even more confused when all he saw was a normal old wall. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing misplaced- as if nothing was ever there.

But soon everything started to slowly piece together in his head. This wasn't just any type of emergency. The malicious presence, the sudden evacuation, and now this... Why didn't he realize this before?

That an actual villain snuck into the school.

Chitsume was already trembling down to his core, questions filling his mind like a flood. "How did they get inside? And why were they at the teacher's lounge? But more importantly... what are they going to do...?"

"N-No.. wait-I..I've got to tell a teacher, the heroes..!" Chitsume screamed at himself, hitting at his legs that just can't seem to stop shaking, that just can't move as fast as he needed them to move. But just as he turned around to the door frame, one step closer outside-


"Ah, ah, ah~ We can't have a little pink mouse ruining our plans, can we?" Suddenly, a hand was hooking itself around Chitsume's shoulder, the shadow of the body casting over all over Chitsume's as if it was swallowing the boy whole. They were bigger. A lot bigger. "He wouldn't like that so much... would he?"

The tone in their voice was eerily cheery for a person who's supposed plans were close to being ruined. Their grip around Chitsume's shoulder wasn't horrifically tight, yet that didn't matter. This villain might be keeping him alive for now but just one wrong move, he knows that'll be his life as good as gone. The villain's quirk was unknown but that did nothing to quell his fear, the bigger hand probably enough to just snap his neck right off his body.

Tears started to bubble in Chitsume's eyes, he wasn't ready for this. He just wanted to eat his Papa's homemade lunch with Hero! Try his best to avoid human interaction and just graduate peacefully, as peacefully as a hero student could graduate. Was this supposed to be normal? 

His body started shivering as he unconsciously shrunk more into himself, the hands that were hitting at his heavy feet now gripping onto it like a vice, doing little to hide his fear. "Please... somebody help.." He begged, tears now streaming heavily down his cheeks. He was scared. He doesn't like this. Not at all.

The voice above gave a pleasured sigh, happy at the sight of the shivering near-to-tears boy just as Hero thought. " You're so lucky you beg so cutely... or it'd be your head rolling down on the floor, little mouse." 

The hand on Chitsume started to move from his shoulder, and closer and closer to his face, to wipe away the tears coming from his face. But just as their finger were about to even make contact with his tears, a sudden wall of flames stopped them, as a fire cocoon covered him and brought him away from the villain's hands.

"Do not even dare to taint my Master with more of your filth." Happiness snarled, what Chitsume thought was a fire cocoon was Happiness' arms, one of his hands hooking under the below of Chitsume's knees, hiking him up into a one-armed carry, Chitsume easily finding his neck nuzzled onto the crook of Happiness' neck.

Even with flames licking his face and skin, he had never felt any safer, none of the flames actually hurting or burning the boy or his clothes, unlike what happened to the villain.

Chitsume winces as he nuzzles even deeper into the space between Happiness' neck and shoulder. Half of the villain's place had been burnt off, the skin peeling away from their muscle as the sound of sizzling filled the otherwise silent room.

The villain's hand shot up to the burnt place of their face, their eyes wide as a crazed laugh left their mouth. "hhaHAHHAA..... The little mouse has some t-tricks up your sleeve, eh?" They said as the smile on their face grew even wider as if the taste of flames was nothing as it burnt away at more of their flesh.

The villain then brought their hand away from their face, then thrusting it forward, pulling at seemingly nothing but the air. Happiness held Chitsume closer to himself to this as Chitsume could only hold onto the fire humanoid tighter.

"Oh... I'm going to have so much fun with you," They said as their cheeks, or what was left of their cheeks colored to sickeningly bright red.

But as their eyes wandered, catching sight of something, their face turned cold the next second, the eery smile they had the whole time falling for the first time. "Tsk.. damn pests." They scowled, sighing right after.


The next second, Chitsume was suddenly pulled out of Happiness' hands, his gravity shifting towards the villain and the next moment, he was yet again back in front of the villain. His breath hitched and he wasn't able to say or do anything as the villain cupped their cheeks and said.

Right under them, a purple mist was already pulling them down from their feet.

"Let's play again soon, little pink mouse."

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