XI. Scared Shitless but Picked up a Man!

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As the school day finished, Chitsume couldn't help his anxiety from growing, "..I-It's going to be fine.. It's just going to be a short talk, y-yeah! It's not like I have to relive that experience again... just tell them that a villain snuck in. Easy... totally easy! I-I can do this..!" Chitsume thought, doing little to help with his current problem.

"Hiroshima," Mr. Aizawa called just as they were dismissed, Chitsume flinching as his body went incredibly stiff.

When a hand came to grab at his sleeve, Chitsume turned to see Mineta again, his face expressing his kinship in the art of being scared so scared you want to pee yourself, his thumb up as he whispered, "Goodluck!" He might have not known anything but he was doing his best.

And that sentiment was enough to relax Chitsume's muscles, even just by a little bit as it was only Chitsume and Mr. Aizawa left in the classroom. Now standing in front of the teacher's table, his nerves are still there, though not as bad as before.

"So, care to explain?"


Yeah, who was he kidding? He's scared shitless.

What Aizawa meant by 'explain' was clear enough, yet Chitsume couldn't bring himself to speak a word, left to awkwardly stand there and avoid eye contact from his clearly tired teacher. 

"..ain.." Chitsume mumbled, now looking down at his fingers.

"..What? Speak up." Aizawa said.

With a deep breath in, he let it all out. "A really big villain person snuck into the school and attacked me and I almost died I think and I-" Chitsume yelled really quickly as he squeezed both of his eyes shut, trying to keep in the tears that already started to pool in his eyes. His inner-Midoriya was showing, just a lot more baby-like, he just didn't know it yet.

Aizawa's eyes were wide, for a multitude of reasons. The actual content of his words was one of the worse case scenarios and hoped it wouldn't be such but wasn't all that surprising, he's more surprised by the fact that this 15-year-old boy is having what one would say is akin to a tantrum. It's a justified tantrum considering what had happened and it's not like Aizawa hadn't seen any teens cry or sob before, but never like this...

After screaming Chitsume's lungs out, he finally opened his eyes, vision still blurry but not enough to hide the sight of Aizawa's dumbfounded face.

"You only encountered one villain?" Aizawa asked, starting to recover from that spectacle.

"Mhm.." Chitsume nodded, fiddling with his fingers yet again. "But I don't think they're alone... they mentioned something about a 'He' not being happy.."

Aizawa's eyes hardened at this, his eye twitching. He sighed as he massaged his temples, "That's all I need to know, you can approach Mr. Hound Dog again if you want to have some counseling but other than that you're free to go."

But just before Chitsume could reply and go, Aizawa sighed again as he placed his hand on Chitsume's head, "You were lucky today, but do not do this again. I can't guarantee you'll be able to escape with small bruises like this the next time..."

"It isn't your fault you got attacked so don't blame yourself but just be careful out there, we're here for a reason. We're here to protect you kids." Aizawa pre-empted. Chitsume was not as sly with hiding his emotions and thoughts as he thinks he is. Just a week or so being this boy's teacher, Aizawa could see right through him, honestly, anyone with decent eyes could see right through the boy.

Chitsume couldn't say anything to this, opening his mouth uselessly but no word or sound came out of his throat. All he could muster up was a small nod before Aizawa dismissed him and left him now by his lonesome.


As Chitsume walked back home, he couldn't help but notice a familiar-looking dual-haired boy amongst the otherwise empty streets. He looked hesitant and tense as he walked slowly, his grip on his bag a lot tighter than what one would call normal.

At the sight of the boy, his cheeks flushed at the memory of the battle trial, but the worry he had was quick to circulate his blood back to normal. 

"..Late, isn't it?" A great conversation starter, as always, Chitsume. I'm sure your parents would be proud of that one. 

"Yeah. It is." Todoroki simply said before staring right back in front of him, his steps still slow and Chitsume is pretty darn sure it isn't out of consideration of his shorter feet. He was stalling from something.

Chitsume took a deep breath at this as he was already scolding himself for what he's about to do, hand gripping extremely hard at his thigh, he went up to the taller boy and spoke. "There's this.. spot I know of, its pretty close by, actually. I-I can show you there if you like?"

 Todoroki's deafening silence almost made Chitsume shy away, but he had gone too far with this one and there was no going back. His eyes were scrutinizing for a few seconds as if asking him whatever could have brought this up.

"I-I mean, you just seem kinda tense and like you maybe not want to go home right now, and-" Chitsume spiraled, looking everywhere but at Todoroki as he went back into his habit for the nth time this week as he started twiddling with his fingers yet again. "Y-You don't need to come with me or anything, that was just a weird suggestion of mine anyway, just ignore-"


"-it... eh?"

"If it isn't too much trouble, then it'd be appreciated."

Todoroki's face was the most expressive Chitsume had seen yet, which in retrospect isn't very expressive but in Todoroki's case, it was. A small hint of a smile was on his lips, Todoroki's face more humane than the usual stone-cold face Chitsume had seen from him so far. The sigh of relief was hard to ignore as well as the way his eyes softened ever so slightly. His mumble did little to help the raging theories and conspiracies which ran through Chitsume's head.

"..Anything to get away from that man."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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