X. After it All

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[A/N: So sorry I hadn't updated in so long, school had been hell this last two weeks 😭]

Just as the head of the villain fell into the dark mist portal below, a growl came from behind Chitsume, making him flinch from the loud sound.

Happiness was by his side the next moment, bringing the boy back into his firey arms and covering his ears from any other loud sound. "You're late." He scowled, face scrutinizing if he had one.

Peaking from Happiness' shoulder, he saw the glimpse of a familiar-looking figure, the pro hero and guidance counselor of the school, Hound Dog. His face was scrunched up as his gaze was hard, making Chitsume squeak at the sight and hide back in Happiness' arms yet again.

"..A student?" Hound Dog said, eyes slightly widening as he notices Chitsume in the fire emocri's, his body suddenly relaxing, his posture turning less hostile and becoming calmer, their animalistic growling voice turning to a husky more human voice.

"I merely heard and smelt an unfamiliar person and came to investigate." He calmly explained, taking slow steps near the two, before he knelt down and brought a hand in front of Chitsume, wincing slightly when the boy flinched. "..I don't bite, and you don't need to tell me anything you aren't ready to say, pup."

Chitsume relaxed up at the man's introduction, though Happiness only continued his scowl, his hands still embracing the young boy tight. When Chitsume stared up to Happiness, unsure, the emocri sighed, moving one of his hands to properly wipe at the tears still on his cheeks.

Happiness hesitantly nodded, saying this just before he disappeared, leaving Chitsume and the teacher by themselves. "Please call us if you ever are in danger, we will risk our lives and our whole existence if it is for yours."  And with that line, the 6-foot emocri was gone just like that.

Hound Dog still had his hand outstretched, his face with patience Chitsume didn't know he even possessed. When Chitsume hesitantly took his hand, he was helped up slowly, letting him dust off his uniform and fix up his messed up hair, "Let's get you checked up at Recovery Girl and get you back to your class, okay?" He said, with a small tilt to his head, his small smile covered by his muzzle.


As the 1-A students started to return back into their classrooms, a certain purple-haired boy noticed a specific seat being empty. Chitsume's seat.

Mineta stared silently at a certain empty seat, two open lunch boxes, and a fallen tea can laid messily around it. And as more and more people started to trickle in, his absence only got clearer and clearer.

"Is Hiroshima not present?" Yaoyorozu said, making everyone's attentions turn to the empty seat. People shrugged, not knowing of his whereabouts, none close enough to the boy to talk to him more than once.

As more and more people had no answers, the results were not looking very hopeful. Yaoyorozu only sighed as nobody had any answers, shrugging their shoulders and otherwise staying quiet. "It seems he's absent for today. He didn't skip class, did he..?"

And to the surprise of many, and even to himself, Mineta defended Chitsume, "Hiroshima wouldn't do that..!" When everyone's eyes started to turn to him, he felt himself sweat more as he hurriedly made an excuse, "H-He's too much of a goody-two-shoes to do that... He probably just got lost during the evacuation thing."

"How manly of you to defend you bro!" A red-haired kid cried in the background. "I thought you were only a perv, but I was wrong- you're a manly perv!"

"I can't see how that's any better..." 


The sound of knocking at the back door was quick to draw everyone's attention from Mineta and now to the late boy in question. Chitsume fiddled with his fingers as he felt the stares from everyone, gazing down when he felt the disappointed stare of his own teacher. "..H-Hello. I'm sorry I'm late..." 

Mr. Aizawa huffed through his nose, narrowing his eyes at the sorry state his student is in. No amount of healing could hide the tiredness in the boy's face, the actual treatment only intensifying it further. His eyes were still swollen and red as his hair was messier and more out of place than usual. Hound Dog was still in the background, signaling to him to just let it go, to which Aizawa only sighed again. "Just go back to your seat, we'll speak later."

"Yes sir," Chitsume nodded and was quick to follow. Practically zipping to his seat, body still stiff and tense even after sitting down, his shoulders hunched as he twiddled with the fabric of his sleeve, gaze still cast low down to his feet.

When a note was passed onto his table, he felt himself relax at the message messily written down. "u ok, hiroshima???" It wrote, a chuckle leaving Chitsume's mouth, from the thought about it and the hurriedly written note, the whole thing just gave a very fluffy feeling to Chitsume's heart.

A small smile found itself on Chitsume's face, a smile threatening to show itself on his face on a certain classmate's attempt at acting normal. Mineta was looking suspiciously avoiding eye contact from him, sweat falling from his forehead like buckets he could confidently say that it was from him.

For a guy whose majority of his personality was only being a perv, he was a decent person sometimes too, and Chitsume really appreciates that part about him whenever it shows.

Now if only he was this decent of a person all the time... Well maybe that's an ambitious thought for now but Chitsume and all of his other classmates can dream. They can dream...

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