IV. Dragon Thing!

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"Thank you again so much, Recovery Girl." Chitsume curtly bowed, feeling a lot less like he wanted to burn alive thanks to her.

"Don't worry about it dearie, now don't be hurting yourself too much now!" She waved as Chitsume left the door.


"I got a big feeling that you're gonna be in that room a lot this year."Hero premonitions, curling themself around Chitsume's neck, inserting themself into Chitsume's floofy hair.

"Ah- It took you way too long to get here, Hero... Where were you when I was panicking out of my mind earlier morning?!" Chitsume whined, moving Hero's tail fluff out of his eyes.

"If I was there you would have only sweat more." Hero explained. 

"You just didn't want to want to go to school, did you?" Chitsume refuted. 

"A talking white dragon thing would sure be quite eye-catching, I was doing you a favor, bud."

"You're not answering my question, Heroo~!"

"Woahh, didn't see that guy earlier, since when did ya have a dragon?" A new voice asked, awe in their voice. 

Turning around, Chitsume slightly stilled at the sight of the blond hair he was able to catch a glimpse of earlier. Chitsume was a bit taller than him about an inch or so, though his hair made it look like Kaminari was a lot taller than that... Here I thought I was decent height.. why is everyone in UA so tall?!

"You're Hiroshima, right? Name's Kaminari and this little dude's Mineta." He introduced with a toothy grin, pointing at himself and the space beside him.

"Kaminari, can't we go already, I really got to pee!" Another voice said, and Chitsume was confused, looking around to try to find someone before looked down, finding the shorter boy with purple balls adorning his head.

Okay, maybe not everyone in UA is tall.

But it looked like the purple guy saw him as well, as his eyes went wide for a few seconds before he spoke yet again, "Kaminari, maybe we can stay a little longer." He said, wiggling his eyebrows as he somehow managed to lean on a wall that wasn't there.

Chitsume only winced as Hero tried to hide a snort.

"This little guy's so cool! What is it, though? A part of your quirk or something?" The blond boy named Kaminari asked, coming closer to poke at Hero's snout.  

"Yeah, Kaminari you probably should stop that," Chitsume laughed, trying to carefully move away Kaminari's hand from Hero but to no dice.  The dragon eye's twitched before they opened their mouth and-


"YEOWCH!" Kaminari yelled as he pulled back his hand, cradling his bit hand and instinctively walking backward. 

"Ain't a pet, ain't an it. Name's Hero and I use they/them pronouns, you dolt," Hero corrected, moving to Chitsume's shoulder and bearing their teeth with a glare.

"...That hurt! I just wanted to pet you, Hero!" Kaminari yelled, quickly wiping off the tears that started to build up in his eyes from the bite, still cradling his hand.

Mineta laughed as Kaminari glared, "For a delicate girl like you, you sure do have a feisty friend." Kaminari said.

. . .

"Eh? But I'm not a girl, though..?" Chitsume said with a head tilt.

To this claim, Mineta laughed again, attempting to wrap a hand around Chitsume's waist but only really reaching his legs, "Ahaha, you're funny Hiroshima! What else would you be, a guy?"

"I'm not lying, though!" Chitsume pouted with a huff. 

"Come on, Hiroshima, we aren't that gullible, I mean why else would you be so cute if you weren't a girl?" Kaminari added, doing the same thing Mineta did but actually succeeding, slightly flinching back behind Chitsume when Hero looked him right in the eye.

Chitsume stared right into Hero's eyes as a plea for help, he wasn't being a liar! His Mama taught him better than that. 

Hero seemed to get the signal as with a small shrug, they untangled themself from Chitsume's hair, and in the seconds the three were confused and gawked at them, they grabbed both Mineta's and Kaminari's hand and then placed it,

On Chitsume's chest.

With a snort, Hero watches as Mineta and Kaminari stiffened and Chitsume's face turn a scarlet red, a shuddering breath leaving his mouth as the boys grabbed. "W-What are doing?!" He yelled, pulling their hands off of his chest and grabbing Hero before walking away.

"W-We got to go now, so, uh, bye." Chitsume quickly said, taking the cold pack Recovery Girl gave him earlier on from his bag and placing it on his face before he seethed "Why did you do that, Hero?!"

"Whaat? I just did what you asked? They looked pretty convinced to me!" Hero guffaws.

"..Let's just get home already!" Chitsume grumbled.


"Hiroshima's a guy? He was so cute I was sure he was a girl!" Kaminari said, looking down on Mineta, still shocked.

"Not if it's a dude, he's not! A guy, Kaminari, a GUY. I used my suave flirting skills for nothing." Mineta said, turning to the nearest bathroom. "I really got to piss, now, I'll be back."

Kaminari only mindlessly nodded, blankly gawking at his hand, a pink flush starting to spread on his cheeks, "..It.. it was so soft..."



"Mama, Papa, we're home!" Chitsume announced, holding the nodding off Hero in his arms.

"Oh my, you dearies look exhausted. Anything interesting happened at school?" Aoi asked, putting them into a small hug before letting Chitsume collapse onto the couch, Hero following with him as they finally fell asleep in Chitsume's fluffy hair.

Chitsume lazily hummed on his place on the couch, petting through Hero's tail fluff as he carelessly said before finally falling asleep along with Hero, "We had a quirk test today.. that was fun, had normal classes— Oh yeah-"

"-Hero got me groped by my classmates.. yawn Nothing much.."

【 HERO 】- BNHA x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now