V. Don't Judge.

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"Heroo, are you really not gonna tell me what you and Mama talked about?" Chitsume prodded them for about the nth time.

"Ain't gonna talk about it." Hero answered, only looking away before pushing Chitsume in front of them, "Just go already, or else you're gonna be the last one coming out."

"I'm the first one out, though..?"


Chitsume only softly laughed before moving on ahead, with a sigh, disappearing for now.  Chitsume's so gonna know what they talked about. He'll make sure of it!

The boy had just finished changing from the locker rooms as fast as he could. The mix of embarrassment, shame, and overall awkwardness made sure that he was going to be the first one out. He had felt some eyes on him too though, was he really that out of shape in comparison to them..?

On his body was a blue skin-tight type of bodysuit, ending just a bit above his knees, yellow lining at the ends of the fabrics

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On his body was a blue skin-tight type of bodysuit, ending just a bit above his knees, yellow lining at the ends of the fabrics. On his feet were black ankle-less and toe-showing socks, it sounds pretty redundant but it's for his quirk's sake.

Metal support items specially made cuffed around his arms and legs to direct his powers to one place, the metal around his tummy there for protection. He had a metal necklace around his neck as well, holding some calming scents for whenever his emotions get too much and the knight-like metal ring around his eyes is mostly there for himself, hiding his own face for some small semblance of skin coverage.

"Hey, uh, Hiroshima, nice costume!" Kaminari complimented, running from where he was at the hallway entrance right over to him. "You look.. really cute- I meant cool! Yeah, cool!"

"You mean it? That really means a lot, thank you!" Chitsume said with a smile, though his hands did unconsciously move towards his chest when Kaminari took a step closer. "..N-Not a lot of people say that about me... or say anything at all."

Kaminari retracted back both his hands, putting them up in a surrendering type of gesture with a sheepish smile, "I-I'm not gonna do that again! Promise! And uh, even after that.. thing last time, I really do wanna be your friend!"

Who knew being with a pessimistic Dragon thing could change your expectations on earnesty? Chitsume sure didn't- feeling quite endeared by the blond boy. All the other people he had met at UA so far had been honestly terrifying, something Kaminari right now, was not.

So Chitsume put down his hands on his chest, and with a small giggle, "N-No uh, you don't have to be sorry about t-that! It was Hero's fault anyway.." He slightly grumbled the last part, before turning back to Kaminari, grabbing his hands in his and saying, "And Kaminari- I'd l-love to be your friend, too!"

Kaminari's sheepish smile turned into a big ol toothy grin, gripping Chitsume's hand back, relief washing over his body as he sighed in relief, a creep of pink coming onto his cheeks.But before he could say anything, a boisterously loud voice interrupted him,

"LET'S SEE WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF, YOU EMBRYOS! IT'S TIME FOR THE TRIAL OF BATTLE!" All Might yelled, earning the attention of all the students that Chitsume seemed to not notice come in after him, all screaming a lot about who they were as a person. Some telling more than others... 

After everyone's attention was on all Might, he began to explain their exercise for that day. In an indoor battle trial, everyone will be placed into two groups, the "villain" and "hero" groups, both being made up of two students each. This, somehow, being their foundational training as he says himself.

When bombarded with questions, he seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed, strike one. All of a sudden, he pulled out a tiny piece of paper as a script? Strike two. And for the third strike... there still wasn't a third strike but Chitsume has a very big feeling that there will be.

With all of the rules now explained, they were given lots for the teams, Chitsume hoping he would have a good teammate.

And lo and behold, he was teamed up with the one and only... Minoru Mineta! Chitsume was kind of excited to speak to him again, hoping to become friends with him as he did with Kaminari, even if he was questioning why he had a diaper for a hero costume.

"Remember what Mama said, don't judge people's appearances, he.. he might still be a good guy! He is part of the Heroics course, after all!" Chitsume reminded himself, taking his daily dose of hopium like the happy optimistic boy he is.

And for the rest of preparation time, he had told himself this over and over, chance after chance given that the purple-headed boy somehow always failed, lowering Chitsume's expectations of him till it hit absolute rock bottom.

At this point, an idealist would be a better term for Chitsume.


"Mineta, can we please actually make a plan, now?" Chitsume begged the boy, keeping his polite smile plastered on his face. He couldn't even watch a second of the match, Mineta making his patience thin more than he ever thought it ever would. 

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Hiroshima. This is just a battle trial anyway, I can just throw my balls and we'll win! Easy-peasy." Mineta waved him off, not really trying to hide how his gaze seemed to gravitate to a certain body part of the girls.

Chitsume's eye twitched, the pink gradient in his hair looking a bit redder now, with tense hands, he reached toward the metal necklace around his neck, breathing in the scents in deep breaths, repeating over and over in his head, 

"Don't. Judge."

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