VIII. Squish

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[A/N - I apologize for the late update, things had come up but I should be fine soon!]


"Ow ow ow..." Chitsume said with a small hiss, pressing an ice pack to his swelling bonked head, leaving it there. For an old lady, Recovery Girl sure does pack a punch, leaving his head swelling even a while after she had hit him.

Her words seemed unending too, making him stay for hours as she scolded him for giving his friends a concussion, her patient and kind demeanor cracking away as she yelled her lectures at the now kneeling boy.

But even with the pain, nothing could stop his excitement from flowing through his veins that even Hero popped in, looking more energized than usual. "Real excited for the rescue exercise, huh? Your eyes are practically shining like stars."

"Of course I am! This is the first time I don't have to be scared of dying or killing someone!" Chitsume said, moving excitedly that the ice pack fell off his head. "Being a rescue hero is what I want to be... this is just perfect!!"

Hero only gave him a small smile before heading inside of Chitsume's bag and taking out their lunch for that day. There were two neatly packed bento boxes, one bigger and one smaller. Who eats what bento box was obvious at this point, so they needed no words and took their respective bento boxes.

Hero got the bigger one as Chitsume grabbed the smaller one, taking in the sweet smell of Daichi's cooking with a smile.

Though Chitsume might have been confident enough to talk to a few people for a bit, just the idea of just being in a room with hundreds of people already made him sick. So for the past few days, he just didn't eat in the cafeteria. 

So he just ate the classroom, surprisingly, nobody ate at the classrooms, opting to eat Lunch Rush's food rather than homemade ones. Though not like Chitsume was complaining, the fewer people for him to anxiously think is going to humiliate and scrutinize him the better.

Opening up their bento, their smiles only grew bigger at the yummy sight of their cutely prepared meal, Chitsume's eyes perking up at the sight of his canned green tea. Opening the can up quickly, just as he was about to take his first sip, he felt something, someone.

It was subtle but still enough to make Chitsume body shake, an odd presence getting into the school. It was enough to take away Chitsume's already not-so-big appetite. "Hey, uh Hero?"

Though what Chitsume wasn't able to notice was that his body had been shaking, quite a lot too. Sad to say, his tea was not able to survive this shaking, the can falling to the ground and making a sad puddle on the floor. "My tea! Oh- wait, no! That's beside the point, someone snuck-"

"Security three has been broken. All students evacuate to the rooftop."

A robotic voice said as an alarm ringed loud in the background. That had been enough to alert them both, Hero was quick to grab Chitsume by his sleeve and drag him and themself out of the classroom, leaving the bento boxes, spilled tea, and fallen ice pack. "Goodbye teaaaa--!!"

The whole school at this point had been a big mix of confusion, panic, and fear, enough so to drown out any hint of the presence from before. That and Chitsume was too sad about his spilled tea to worry about the presence from before but still. Having little to no other choice now, Chitsume had placed that at the back of his mind for now, using all his brainpower to do one thing, run. 

Soon enough, the relatively empty hallways turned into human stampedes, Hero and Chitsume catching up on the majority of people. And I don't know, maybe it was everyone screaming in everyone's faces and elbowing each other each time they took a step but Hero bailed on Chitsume. Saying this before they left, "Yeah, I'm not dealing with that shit, you're on your own, bud."

"Hey, Hero, wait-!!" 

They didn't wait.


So now, Chitsume is forced into the human stampede of people, everyone elbowing his stomach every few seconds. Chitsume really wished he was an emocri like Hero right about now. If they were supposed to be a part of him and his quirk, why couldn't he disappear into thin air like them, too! It really just wasn't fair.

Though Chitsume's line of thought was cut off as he winced in pain, people trample over his feet and some elbowed his face. He swears some part of his body is going to end up bruised after this... And for your information, it wasn't that he was short, no, not at all! It's just that everyone in UA was freakishly tall. There is a difference!

Though even amidst the sea of people trying to squish him to be a splat on the ground, he was still able to catch the sound or the feeling of another certain squish.

A person's hand was laid atop his head, pushing down and playing with the cotton candy fluff he calls his hair. 

"Really bad timing, I know, but your hair is sooo softt! What products do you use to make it this fluffy?! I can barely do it with my own hair!" His familiar pink classmate gushed, borderline sparkling at how smooth his hair was as she ran her fingers through his hair.

 Chitsume tried, he really did try to stop himself. Though even the strongest of people lose against their natural instinct. As Ashida ran her fingers through his hair, Chitsume felt his resolve crack and crumble. 

Chitsume at this point was incredibly red, his hands gripping on each other like a vice as he wished and praying his own body wouldn't betray him. But with her fingers starting to massage the place behind his ears, he just couldn't resist it anymore!

And he purred.





"Yep. Disappearing into thin air sounds really nice right about now."

【 HERO 】- BNHA x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now