chapter 12: Sweetheart

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pov: Mikey
Luke was already laying on the couch while I walked back in the living room, I had just ordered pizza,

"What movie did you pick, babe?" I asked while cuddling into his neck.

"A movie that you aren't gonna like." he said back giggling.

"Tell me." I whined.


"No, baaabe." he leaned up to kiss me.

"Titanic." he started laughing.

"Luke, I am not watching that." I pouted into the kiss.

"Well you let me pick so yes you are." Before we could kiss again someone knocked on the door.

"PIZZA!" I screamed while jumping off of Luke. I'm so weird yet he still loves me. I was already eating the pizza before I got to the couch.

"Babe, save some from me." he said after grabbing a slice."

So our whole night consisted of eating pizza and watching this girly ass movie.

"Baby, can I turn this off now." I asked Luke. No answer. "Babe?" No answer. Wow Luke, I thought you 'loved' this movie. I laughed to myself because I am so funny.

So I went and turned off the movie then picked up Luke. For a boy his height and age, he's pretty light.

I layed Luke down on my bed and got up to take a shower. I kissed his head. "Be right back, sweetheart."

When I got back he was cuddled up in my blankets. "You're so goddamn adorable." I whispered while getting under my blanket, well trying to. I fell asleep shortly after that.

I woke up pretty early, expecting the house to be empty, other than Luke and I. But no, Cass was home and in  the kitchen. She can't know I'm dating her ex, even though she dumped him.

"Cass! Why are you home? You're supposed to be at that girls house."
I whisper yelled trying not to wake Luke.

"Yeah, Amanda. She's sick, so her mom brought me home this morning."

"Well you need to leave."

"Michael, this is my house too. So I'm staying." She started running up the stairs to her room. Please do not wake up Luke was all I was thinking. So I ran up after her going into my room, finding Luke, still in the same position he was in when I left.

🌸🌸Authors Note🌸🌸
hey guys, sorry about not updating alot. I have more ideas so I'll probably update again today, so yeah. honestly idk what's gonna happen next, Cass may see luke, she may not. no one knows, not even me, so thanks guys for the support💓

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