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The couple had finally arrived in Los Angeles, Joshua got their luggage before walking towards the departure area to meet with his parents alongside Seokmin.

The younger was happily looking around the airport since it's been years since he's last visited.

They both looked around until their eyes met with Mr. and Mrs. Hong's silhouettes from a distance. "Eomoni!" Seokmin ran up to them before hugging them both and was very happy to finally see his boyfriend's parents after months of talking over the phone.

"Hi, Seokmin-ah. Welcome back" Mrs. Hong happily welcomed him their future son-in-law cutely smiled at them as Joshua greeted and hugged his parents right after Seokmin's interaction with them.

"How's my favorite son-in-law feeling?" Mr. Hong asks before getting one of the bags into the car.

"I've been doing fine AND I finally graduated college!!!" He happily announces entering the car and hopping in with Joshua beside him to sit in the back seat.

"Congrats!" Mrs. Hong happily says before sitting on the passenger's seat.

"Thank you" Seokmin smiled at them but since he hadn't adjusted to the time difference, he started to fall asleep as soon as the car started moving.

Joshua smiled before softly leaning Seokmin's cheek onto his shoulder for the other to sleep in a comfortable position.

"So how was Eric?" In the process of Mr. Hong's question, Joshua was intertwining his hands with his lover before leaning his head on Seokmin's.

"He's been doing fine, he says to tell Auntie to bring him souvenirs when she comes to visit them" Mrs. Hong chuckles, "Aish that kid never changes... I'm glad he's ok"

The conversations continued as they all check on each other's condition.

"Oh. I just remembered- we purchased the house you asked us to buy with your savings. But let's discuss it after we eat breakfast," Mr. Hong takes a U-turn before driving to a food carnival they've passed by.

"Sunshine, we're here" Joshua slowly shook the other but as Seokmin woke up they then got out of the car to see many food trucks and vendors.

"WOW, this is all so new. I know we have these in Korea but the food is all so different" He says in amazement.

Joshua smiles as he looks at how adorable his boyfriend looks.

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