1.) Engeurish

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Seokmin woke up early, he starts his day by pecking his boyfriend's face various times causing Joshua to wake up. Joshua then sits up half-awake, cupping Seokmin's face, and kisses him on the lips before he tiredly leaves their room while holding hands with an energetic Seokmin to the kitchen.

Joshua plopped Seokmin down on the barstool near the counter, he then started cooking breakfast before Seokmin as the other scrolled on his phone.



Dinosaur rawr added Hwang Minjun to the group.

Play Angel or Devil by TXT set the nickname for Hwang Minjun to  Muscular baby 💪.

Dinosaur rawr
Wow- the duality

Muscular baby 💪
Hey lovs

Dinosaur rawr
Hello :<

Pepperoni pizza addict
Don't act cute Chan
It doesn't suit you

Muscular baby 💪
Now don't be meeb hyung

Play Angel or Devil by TXT
Yea it doesn't suit you, Lee

Dinosaur rawr
The moment I added Minjun you guys are already babying him 😭😭

Pepperoni pizza addict
Hyung's done cooking breakfast

Muscular baby 💪

Play Angel or Devil by TXT
Oh? Chan didn't tell you?

Muscular baby 💪
Tell me what?

Play Angel or Devil by TXT
Joshua and Seokmin are now in Los Angeles

Muscular baby 💪
For how long?

Los Angeles boy
We're gonna live here now BUT we'll come back once in a while so dw

Muscular baby 💪
Ohhhh well enjoy your day hyung
I'll head to sleep now

Dinosaur rawr
Bye luvss

Play Angel or Devil by TXT
Just stop.


The couple looked up from their phones at their respective times before they had to discuss something.

"Sunshine," Joshua called out to Seokmin as the other hummed in response to his boyfriend's call.

"Are you sure you're willing to learn three languages?" Seokmin nods his head with his mouth full. Joshua giggles seeing this.

"I'll appoint you with three tutors, ok? You can study those languages to prepare yourself to co-assist with the company" Joshua pinches Seokmin's cheeks before continuing their breakfast.


Joshua left for work and Seokmin heard the doorbell ring before opening it to see his tutor.

"Ten?" Seokmin was greeted by a smiling Ten on their doorstep before he let his former classmate in. "What are you doing here?" Seokmin closed the door and led the older to the living room, Seokmin got a glass of water the moment he saw Ten sitting down on the couch.

"I was planning to travel here in America with my boyfriend for a vacation but before I could even buy a ticket, Joshua-hyung asked me to help you with your English and Chinese in exchange for a month's expenses-free trip. My Chinese is a bit sloppy so my boyfriend will be the one to tutor you tomorrow but today let's start with the basic sentences in English"


Author's note:
I think this is too short for the first part of the ff but it's pretty cute ig. I hope you guys liked it ;-;

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