11.) With my Seoulmateu

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Months later, Joshua decided to surprise Seokmin with plane tickets to KOREA! But~ the younger didn't know of this until...


Seokmin silently woke up and realized HE WAS LATE FOR HIS CLASS. He scratched his head and frustratedly rushed to the restroom to bathe. After getting ready, he shuffled his way down the stairs half-asleep, yawning.

He was walking past the kitchen counter and came across a paper on top of it, he didn't mind since it looked like a normal pile but certain something caught his eye and he took a look at it.

"A FLIGHT TO KOREA?!" Seokmin exclaimed but realized he had to take care of that issue later since he had to travel to school.

He arrived at school and was so distracted that he didn't have any notes or information about the classes he attended. Seokmin sighed and pushed his hair back before walking to his day's last class.

His junior, Jay noticed this. "Hyung, is something bothering you?" Seokmin shook his head in response to the latter's question. "Nothing to worry about. It's something trivial... nothing too serious."

Jay raised his brow knowing Seokmin wouldn't have made such a face if he wasn't frustrated. "What's wrong, hyung?" Seokmin shook his head. "It's nothing, I'll have to ask my boyfriend about it" He smiled at him reassuring the other.

Jay nods at him and they proceed to enter their room. He smiled at me and separated as we sat in our seats.


Joshua arrived home, he was greeted by a silent embrace which he was not used to at all. He removed his shoes from the door and placed down his bag.

"Love?" Joshua looked everywhere on the first floor but couldn't find his boyfriend. He brought his bag upstairs into his office and slowly opened the door to their room.

"Seokmin? Are you here, love?" Joshua gently called out and noticed he wasn't in their room. He tilted his head and sighed realizing something must've happened to him.

He knocked at the empty room's door thrice before gently opening the door. Joshua entered the room and saw Seokmin sitting in the corner of the room hugging his sun plushies.

"Hun? What happened today? Did I do anything wrong" He sat beside Seokmin but continued to give him some personal space.

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