5. Embrace

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Team C (Design and planning unit)

Intern Mattchu 😚

Leader Hong <3

Intern Mattchu 😚

Leader Hong <3
Thank you, Hyun

Party animal Hyun 🎉🎉
Ohhh so the proposal is today? Goodluck, boss

Leader Hong <3 replied to  Party animal Hyun 🎉🎉
WOOhyun not HyunJIN

Ass. manager Kim 💃🪩
All the best, boss. We'll repay you by requesting 
your leave a week in return for working on our shifts

Leader Hong <3
Wah, really?

Ass. manager Kim 💃🪩
Yes, I'll request one after your proposal

Leader Hong <3
Thanks, Jen. That's just what I needed
Now I have to go. Can't let the client wait yk

Intern Mattchu 😚

Leader Hong <3
Oh and thank you for your wishes
I will do my best!
Intern Mattchu 😚, Ass. manager Kim 💃🪩, Party animal Hyun 🎉🎉 reacted with ❤️


Joshua took a deep breath before confidently entering the meeting room. 

Seokmin on the other hand had his Chinese lessons that day, he was finishing the task at hand when he heard the door chimes ring. He assumed it was Ten since the older one had to buy something from the convenience store, it was too early for Joshua to be home so he didn't open the door and continued his task. But to his surprise, he felt a peck on his cheek.

Seokmin swiftly turned his head and met eyes with the person he wasn't expecting that night.

"Shua?" Joshua then pecks him again, this time on the lips making  Winwin look away.

"We're done for today, Min. I'll head out now. Don't worry about Ten-ge, I'll fetch him from the store and go home. We'll see you tomorrow" Sicheng awkwardly smiled before quickly getting all his materials and leaving them alone.

"Shouldn't you be in a meeting at the moment?" Joshua's eyes formed a crescent as he lightly covered his mouth, fond of Seokmin's cute question.

"The meeting went well and ended early, and guess what, love. I'm going to be free for a week" Seokmin was confused as he tilted his head. Joshua happily announces as Seokmin looked at him confused and unable to process what the older had just said.

"The members of my team made a mutual agreement that they'll be working in my place as a gratitude for my efforts in working alone on our project" Joshua pinches Seokmin's cheeks before softly pecking his boyfriend's neck while being in each other's embrace.

This hug, this embrace, and their presence were something they both had longed for. 

Joshua pulls away from their hug and caresses Seokmin's waist before pulling Seokmin onto his lips. The sweet smell of Seokmin's perfume and his touch made Joshua horny. He couldn't help himself as he unknowingly slipped his tongue into Seokmin's mouth.

The younger was surprised about Joshua's sudden initiative but kept up with his boyfriend to not ruin the tension between them.

Joshua pulls away from their kiss as a string of saliva makes its way out their mouths. The younger covered his burning cheeks with his sweater's sleeve as Joshua bit his bottom lip after wetting it. 

The older smirked as he pulled his boyfriend upstairs making their way into their room.

Joshua pulled Seokmin closer before planting another kiss on his lips as the latter's hands trailed and rested on Joshua's shoulders.

Joshua slowly led Seokmin to their bed as Seokmin felt the bed frame on his feet, Joshua sat him down before getting on top of him and gently pushing him onto the mattress.

"Where's my reward?" 


Author's note:
Hello readers! How was your day? I hope it went well, if didn't then I'm hoping things get better soon ^^ DAMNN ITS MY FIRST TIME WRITING LIKE THIS- IT MADE ME CRINGE. Feel free to correct my grammar or suggest ideas. I'll be insanely happy about it! I hope you enjoyed this- but enjoy your week! SEE YOU ON THE NEXT PART!! <3

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