2.) My tutors

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Brng! An irritating noise was heard in both Seokmin and Joshua's ears. Seokmin woke up annoyed before he lightly hit Joshua awake "Ow"

"You deserve it." Seokmin rubs his temple frustrated.

"It was your idea to use this stupid alarm clock. I told you already that I could wake up earlier than you enough to do that for you, now look where it got us" Seokmin grumpily scolded his lover who was caressing his harmed body parts on the other side of the bed.

Joshua rubbed his eyes and yawned before opening his eyes to see a grumpy Seokmin.

Joshua pouts before mumbling a husky, "Sorry, love" as Seokmin makes his way out of their room annoyed.

Joshua unlocks his phone.


Reminders (IMPORTANT‼️):

• Do NOT bother the neighbors during weekends (they're never home and dogs will be OUT)
• Bring flowers for Seokmin (his smile 🥺🥺)
• Do not be on bad terms with ANYONE
• Buy Seokmin a dog once he's fluent in English
• Propose to him in Chinese once he's fluent in Chinese
• Marry him in Japan
• Introduce Seokmin to my family once we're invited to a family dinner
NEVER use alarm clo|
NEVER use alarm clocks (he gets|
NEVER use alarm clocks (he gets grumpy and I don't get my morning kiss 😔😔)


Joshua sighs before making his way downstairs, he sees Seokmin going upstairs ignoring him.

They pass by one another as Joshua heads to the kitchen to see his breakfast with a little note beside it.

'I'm still grumpy about the alarm clock incident but enjoy your meal and drive to work safely. I'm going back to sleep. Love you <3'

Joshua smiled as he read the letter while he ate the breakfast Seokmin made for him and washed the dishes right after.

He happily walks upstairs to get ready for work to see Seokmin sleeping peacefully. He then turns the alarm system from the alarm clock off and gently pecks Seokmin on the forehead before he takes a bath.


Seokmin wakes up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. He looked at the time to see it was 11:30 am, he immediately sprung up rushing to the front door to meet eyes with Ten and his boyfriend.

"Hyung, wait. Come in, umm entertain yourselves... let me take a quick bath" Seokmin greeted the couple with a bright smile and messy bed hair.

Ten nodded as the couple watched him sprint upstairs before they discussed the lesson appropriate and helpful for Seokmin to learn.

"Wah, their interior is all in black and white, getting something dirty would make me feel regretful. Darling, we should sit on the floor. It's better than getting the couch dirty" Ten's boyfriend bent down to sit on the carpet but Ten stopped him by gently pushing him down on the sofa.

"It's not like you sat on some grass or something dirty" Ten scoffed.

"LI YONGQIN, WE HAD A PICNIC EARLIER" His boyfriend called him by his Chinese name as he panicked and stood up to instantly check on the couch, and sighed in relief glad as there were no marks on the sofa.

Ten giggled as his boyfriend lightly pushed him due to frustration. Ten pats his boyfriend's butt and dusts their pants out to make the other feel at ease and not think about the couch's condition.

"I'm back, sorry for the delay" Seokmin smiles as the other two smile at him, Seokmin scratches his head in embarrassment.

"It's fine. Seokmin. Meet my boyfriend, Dong Sicheng. He's younger than you by 9 months, and he'll be tutoring you for mandarin" Sicheng smiled as they shook hands.


They were wrapping their lesson up when Seokmin heard the door open, he jumped up to greet his lover who had returned from work. Joshua smiled upon seeing Seokmin, pecking him on the lips before the younger went back to help his tutors clean their mess up.

"Welcome back, hyung" Sicheng cutely waved as Joshua bowed smiling.

"So, how was it teaching Seokmin?" Joshua looked at the couple who smiled at each other once they heard the question.

"He'll be more fluent than you, just give him some time. Seokmin's already getting the hang of it. You'll see what I mean by the end of the lessons" Sicheng nods upon hearing Ten's response to Joshua's question.

"You're not exaggerating, right?" The duo shook their heads as Joshua looked at them impressed by the determined looks on their faces.

"He's a fast learner, hyung. You'll be surprised that he can already converse in basic conversations" Sicheng answered showing Joshua Seokmin's notebook, amazing him.

"You're telling me, my sunshine could do this in two days?" Joshua asked looking at the notebook he was shown, convinced.

"Although he still has his accent, the responses he made were correct and they were all grammatically correct" 

"Wah, thank you guys so much. Tomorrow will be your break from tutoring, feel free to tour around the city"

"Can we bring Seokmin too? It's better to see if he can engage with a community and assess how he responds to certain situations. You can come with, if you'd like" Ten asked.

Joshua thought about it for a while and agreed to it making Seokmin cheerful and squeal from excitement before he hugged his boyfriend. "I won't be able to go tomorrow, unfortunately. But I'll have my friend accompany you guys"

"A friend?"

"You'll see"


Author's note:
I tried to update more frequently so I hope you liked this ;-; Isn't Seokmin and Joshua cute? Enjoy your day/noon/afternoon/evening/night! ^^

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