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Joshua woke up to see a peaceful Seokmin still sleeping before gently shaking him awake.

"Sunshine, wake up. You're strolling around the city today, aren't you?" He softly says before Seokmin opens his eyes still half-awake, whining for a peck.

Joshua scoffs, pecking him on the forehead. Seokmin sat up yawning loudly, walked to the restroom, and had a bath.


Seokmin waits by the cat cafe where they all had planned to meet as he admires the cats, cautiously. He hears the front door bells ring and notices the couple as they start to pet the cats, waiting for the last person.

Winwin was drinking his coffee while Ten was teaching Seokmin English. They reviewed their past lessons since Ten had planned to test Seokmin's skills when they strolled around the city.

Seokmin scratches his head in confusion at the difference between the words their, there, and they're but slowly understands once Ten states examples of how they can be used.

Seokmin felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around to face the person and loudly gasped when he saw who it was.

"MINJUN?! What are you doing here,  sweetie?" He asked before caressing his hair and lightly hugging the younger as a greeting.

"I applied for a university here and wanted to check the environment. So, I asked Joshua-hyung to recommend me a place to stay in during my stay here. Suddenly, he told me about your previous condo unit and told us we could start living there. Hyung also asked me to accompany you from time to time while I'm on my vacation since he'd be busy with work sometimes" 

"Where's Chan? I'm assuming he's supposed to be here with you" Seokmin looked around to find Minjun's suitor.

"He'll be arriving next week. He's just sorting some stuff back in Korea and told me to enjoy Los Angeles while he's still gone" Minjun then handed Seokmin a medium-sized box occupied with Seokmin's album collection from Korea.

"Joshua-hyung also asked me to bring these for you" Seokmin opened the box smiling brightly before offering Minjun to sit with them.


The places they had visited were beautiful and full of people but time wasn't on their side, the moment they were already heading to Seokmin and Joshua's house to drop him off since the sun had started to set.

The moment they left him by the doorway. Seokmin entered the house and locked the front door before he sunk deeply onto the couch, tired from the nonstop interaction he had done hours before, energy was completely drained.

Seokmin hadn't realized he was slowly drifting to sleep. His eyes fluttered and slowly closed from exhaustion. 

The front door unlocks and reveals another exhausted individual, Joshua as he takes a deep breath before closing the door, walking to the kitchen to drink water, and when he walks past the couch he notices a pair of shoes by the carpet. 

He slowly approaches the couch to see a peacefully sleeping Seokmin.

Joshua's mouth slowly smiles after seeing his lover feeling a bit energized before carefully carrying him into a bridal position not wanting to disturb the younger's slumber. 

He tried his best not to drop Seokmin suddenly onto the bed before he changed the other's clothes and tucked Seokmin into the covers. 

Joshua then leans his elbow onto the pillow, admiring Seokmin's features before kissing the younger's forehead, and standing up, walking to take a shower before sleeping beside Seokmin.


Author's note:
Hey, lovess!! I'm back with a new chapter and I apologize if this took so long there's so much going on these days, it's all over the place. I hope you like this chapter and I would be happy if you looked forward to more of 'Los Angeles' <3 Enjoy your day!!!

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