13.) Different parts of Korea (PART 2)

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Joshua had finished fixing their luggage, knowing they had only brought a few things from Los Angeles since they still left some stuff in their house in the Lees household. He laid down on the bed, exhausted from the labor. He got his phone out and looked at his list.


Reminders (IMPORTANT‼️):

• Do NOT bother the neighbors during weekends (they're never home and dogs will be OUT)
• Bring flowers for Seokmin (his smile 🥺🥺)
• Do not be on bad terms with ANYONE

• Buy Seokmin a dog once he's fluent in English
• Buy Seokmin a dog once he's fluent in English (i|
• Buy Seokmin a dog once he's fluent in English (in pr|
• Buy Seokmin a dog once he's fluent in English (in progress)

• Propose to him in Chinese once he's fluent in Chinese
• Marry him in Japan
• Introduce Seokmin to my family once we're invited to a family dinner
NEVER use alarm clocks (he gets grumpy and I don't get my morning kiss 😔😔)


Joshua took a deep breath and sat back up knowing he had a long day to go. He had gotten his small bag containing his wallet and necessities before he headed downstairs. Joshua politely asked Mrs. Lee for Seokmin's car keys since the younger left his car in Korea with mutual agreement.

Mrs. Lee nods before she walks towards her room and obtains the long-hidden keys from the bedside cabinets.

"Thank you, auntie. I'll be back before dawn." Joshua smiled at her before he was handed the keys. Mrs. Lee and Mr. Lee saw Joshua off before they walked back inside.

Joshua pressed the unlock button on the car key before entering, he put the bag aside and sat on the driver's seat before buckling his seatbelt. Before he drove off, Joshua got his phone and proceeded to message Jeonghan.


Jeong Yoon (ugly ass mf👎)

Are you free today?

Huh? Why?
But yea I am

I'm in sk rn can you
help me with choosing a dog?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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