8.) Window

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Seokmin adoringly stared at the bouquet of roses Joshua gave him as he felt a pair of lips on his cheek. Revealing Joshua with a cute apron on, "Dinner's ready, love"

Seokmin nods, feeling on top of the world. How could I deserve a man like him? Seokmin couldn't believe he didn't accept Joshua's sudden confession three years ago even though Seokmin, himself knew he unknowingly had a HUGE crush on Joshua.


Three years ago, Seokmin was sitting on the last row of desks in the classroom, his chair was beside the window. Instead of listening to class, he found himself looking outside the window watching the basketball court from his point of view.

He was resting his chin on the palm of his hand while watching players on the court playing. Seokmin suddenly felt as if an aura was pulling him in, he was unaware of it but someone had caught his eye. Seokmin was not able to see them clearly due to the distance, but he grew curious questioning if the person wanted to seduce people who were looking at them as he continued to observe.

After that incident, Seokmin had developed a routine. Although it felt weird, he continued doing this without asking others who that person was since he didn't wanna make a fuss. 

Today, something was different. The person drawing him in was nowhere to be seen, making things boring for Seokmin.  He then changed his position to rest his head on his arm wanting to pass the time. He then starts to hear loud murmurs emerge from the classroom, annoying him slightly.

Seokmin raises his head curious about the fuss people are making, making eye contact with an alluring person wearing a basketball jersey, making him back away, flustered.  Seokmin wanting to be nice, smiles at them, despite being shocked. "How may I help you?" 

"Would you mind if I could borrow your time after dismissal?" Seokmin agrees not wanting to create an issue. "So... let's meet at the library?" Seokmin nods making the student show him a sweet smile making Seokmin's heart flutter. The latter announced his farewell and left the classroom.

The moment he had left, other students began to crowd Seokmin's table.

"How do you know Hong Jisoo-sunbae?"

"What was your conversation about?"

"Why did Jisoo-sunbae talk to you?"

"Do you owe Jisoo-sunbae?"

Seokmin continued to be baffled by the situation and massaged his forehead, not knowing what just happened.

"To answer all of your questions.  No, I don't even know him!" Other students were disappointed with his answer since it was evident, due to the fact they hastily stopped bothering him as he mentioned it.

 Seokmin looked outside curious to see if the person he was interested in had arrived.

To his surprise, Seokmin saw the jersey of the person who came to ask for his time, surprising him. He stood up loudly saying, "That was him?!" startling his other classmates.

He cleared his throat and sat down, "Sorry." He continued to observe Hong Jisoo, the person everyone was swooning about. Unluckily, he made eye contact with him and he saw him waving.

Seokmin hid himself not wanting to draw more attention while hearing the girls in his room, squealing.

"He waved at me!"

"Girl, stop being delulu, he waved at me!"

"Bitch, both of you. Stop embarrassing yourselves and go back to your seats. Class is starting" She scolds her friends knowing, it was for Seokmin due to the previous incident.

Seokmin had a long train of thought whether he should meet with Jisoo or not. Seomin had concluded, he would since it would come out as impolite to everyone since he already said yes in front of everyone and it would be rude to stand someone up.

Seokmin sighs. This isn't how things should be right now... if this hadn't happened I would've been zoning out while watching the basketball court by now. Seokmin found it difficult to look out of the window at the moment and unexpectedly started focusing on their lecture.

It was now dismissal and Seokmin was waiting for Jisoo by the library entrance. It took a while but the moment he saw Jisoo, Seokmin gently grabbed his wrist. "Please follow me," Leading him to a hidden aisle, knowing if their situation elevated it could be kept private due to few students knowing the space.

"Wow. I didn't know there was such a place here," The guy called Jisoo said smiling impressed, looking around him. 

"Why did you want to talk to me?" Seokmin asked, expecting the worst just to be shocked by the latter's statement. "I like you" Seokmin felt something on his throat as he choked, shocked at the statement made by him.


"I know you just met me, but I like you" Seokmin was greeted by a blinding smile making it difficult to send information to his brain at the moment.

"That's a lot to take in, can you give me some time?" Jisoo nods without second thoughts making Seokmin feel relieved. "Can I ask one question though?" Seokmin nods not being able to say no to him.

"Can I court you?"


"Sunshine?" Seokmin looks at Joshua attentively looking at him.

"What is it, hyungie?" Joshua pouts, worried about his partner. "Why are you so deep in thought?" Seokmin knows he can't hide the truth from him so he decides to open up about how he felt at the moment.

"I'm wondering how a man like you is the love of my life" Joshua smiles upon hearing this before cupping his boyfriend's face.

"I started loving you after I kept seeing you help others and not expecting anything in return. I know it might sound cliche but it's true... I fell for you because it's you"


Author's note:
Hi hi! I'm back hehe. It's rare for me to update this quickly, right? Welp either way,  I hope you liked this chapter ^^  Joshua is such a green flag istg, you cannot not love him cuz I agree WHERE DO WE FIND MEN LIKE HIM???? AUGHHH Anyways I hope you're feeling alright today! If not, I know things will be better soon. Enjoy your day, afternoon, noon, evening, or night! Byeeeee <3

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