7. Flowers

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It's the next day after their water park date. Seokmin woke up to Joshua no longer beside him in their room, he yawned as he blinked a few more times still sleepy from exhaustion.

The latter looks around their house unable to find his boyfriend anywhere which he had assumed that Joshua was already at work. He scratches his nape, yawning wanting to go back to sleep but before he did, Seokmin went downstairs to drink a glass of water.

As he was about to head back upstairs, he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. 

Upon turning around he was a bit alerted since he hadn't checked his phone meaning he wasn't aware of the time, and thought it was one of his tutors, Ten or Winwin.

He turns around embarrassed to face his tutors but to his surprise, it's Joshua holding a bouquet of yellow roses, he ruffles Seokmin's hair holding the bouquet with his other hand as the younger smiles still in shock. 

Seokminwas stunned, he didn't dare move a muscle before happily pecking Joshua on the lips. Joshua felt Seokmin's soft lips on his, he then gently pulled away, handing him the bouquet as Seokmin pecked him the second time, overjoyed. 

Seokmin carefully places the bouquet on the coffee table before embracing his boyfriend in a huge hug.

"I wasn't expecting this" Seokmin smiled ear to ear as Joshua continued to be in Seokmin's embrace, Joshua's lips finding their way to Seokmin's forehead.

"Happy 3rd anniversary, sunshine," Joshua greets in English making the younger's heart skip a beat realizing what he said. "It's today?" Joshua chuckles nodding his head in response.

"May 14th, the day when you finally said yes after I had courted you for 143 days" Joshua realizes something. 

"Did you intentionally say yes on the 143rd day?"Seokmin smiles widely confirming Joshua's speculation. "I didn't know it was on the 14th of May"

"I didn't know our anniversary today, it slipped my mind. I'm sorry," Seokmin apologized as Joshua shook his head cupping Seokmin's cheeks, "Sunshine, I love you so much, ok? You don't need to be the best, continue being Seokmin, the person I know and love with all my heart. You don't need to buy me a big gift. Being by your side already feels like a blessing to me. The only wish I have is for you to stay by my side just like how I'm always by yours"

Seokmin felt his stomach turn as something trailed down his face, tears. The younger was crying tears of joy. "I love you too, hyung. So... so much" Seokmin leaned his head on Joshua's shoulder as Joshua gently stroked his head, in an attempt to calm the younger.

Seokmin slowly calms down, "Sunshine, look at me" He gently says to him. Seokmin raises his head from the latter's shoulder and realizes he is holding something.

Joshua gently inserts a ring on Seokmin's finger. Seokmin looked at it, stunned.

"A promise ring?" Seokmin looks at the beautiful ring in awe. "Shall we make a promise? And look! We're matching" Seokmin giggles hearing his boyfriend's words.

"I, Joshua Hong promise to stay by your side and love you til the very last air I breathe"

"I, Lee Seokmin promise to stay by Hong Jisoo, my other half. And always love you to the moon and back"


Author's Note:
Hi, guys. Long time no see! I apologize for the long wait but the new chapter's officially here! Woop woop ^^ School has been hectic recently but I hope you all had a great day, night, or evening and enjoyed the new chapter either way stay healthy. Bye!!!

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