Prologue - Party Pooper

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The stairs squeaked under your feet as you descended half way. You got to a point where you were just able to see through the white banisters and into the living room, the carpeted surface groaning as you crouched down. In one hand was your phone as the other held the railing, this sweet and innocent look plastered on your face.

"Hey, Law?"

Following your call was an abrupt huff, then the sound of padding feet. Your eyes followed as your older brother stood at the bottom of the stairs, his arms firmly crossed over his chest.


"Can I ask you something~?"

Just from hearing your singing voice, Law knew that whatever you were going to ask about, it wasn't going to benefit him in any shape or form.
Thinking of the first solution that came to mind, the brunette leaned against the wall, eyebrows twitching.

"Can you not just ask Cora-san when he gets home?"

Whining, you tilted your head back and dropped both hands to your sides like a whinging toddler.

"But Cora-san isn't going to be home for aaaaaages!"

As much as he hated the fact he always had to listen to your requests, he just couldn't deal with the thought of you moaning about whatever it was for the next few hours until Rosinante got off work.

With a sigh that exuded the force of a strong gale, the defeated man caved.

"Fine, what do you want?"

With a renewed spring in your step, you came bolting down the stairs towards your brother. As you got to the bottom you held out your phone, the screen unlocked and glaring. Your brother pried the device from your fingers, brows knitted.
You just stood back with an expectant smile, rocking backwards and forwards on the balls of your feet.

His eyes scanned across the screen, clearly reading what was there. The furrow in his eyebrows intensified as he went on, lips pressed into a line. While you expected him to read the whole thing before looking back up, he didn't.

Law simply got to the third sentence and stopped, snapping his eyes up. There was this stern look on his face that simply made your heart sink, the smile on your face flicker and fade.


Without a second thought, the man passed your phone back to you and headed off towards the living room once more. You turned in his direction with this look of disappointment on your face, your mouth open as you silently groaned.

"But why!"

"Because I said no."

His voice was a little muffled by the distance but you made sure to close it, thumping after him and into the living room.

"'Because I said no' isn't a valid answer!"

You stood in the doorway with a glare on your face, your brother not even bothering to turn your way. He had the television on and unpaused it to continue watching some documentary on surgeons, reclined back on the sofa with no interest in argument.


He continued to ignore you, eyes set on the screen. The refusal had you so annoyed with him that you growled under your breath, storming forward in front of the TV with folded arms.

If that didn't get his attention, you didn't know what would.

"This is so unfair!"

At your whinge, he growled in irritation.

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