15 - Battle of Trafalgar

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No one saw anything but a blur, whizzing past tables and past students who stood around. That blur was even too quick for Law or Shachi to comprehend. Until, of course, a knuckled fist connected with the side of the raven haired man's jaw. There were a few shocked gasps as his head whipped to one side, you standing there with your arm outstretched into a fist. Your whole body was moving as you heaved through heavy air, red and shaking from anger.

You were choking on your words, the sounds rattling in an angered seethe. Your jaw was taut and your hair had fallen slightly in your face, your shoulders rising and falling in motion.

Those who stood around were still too shocked to try anything more than just stare like it was some kind of show. Vivi was still stood by the door, just wondering what on earth was happening - her mouth hanging open.

But most of all, Shachi has recovered from his blow given by Law. He was now slowly reaching out to you much like your blue haired friend was before, his whole body tense.

"(Y/n), hey, just-"

The anger that had been building up inside of you, was fizzing like a volcano. It was churning and grinding against your heart, your mind and your lungs just waiting to erupt. That it did, when you then aimed to boot your brother in the stomach.

But instead of landing a hit and hearing what you then thought would be a satisfying crack of sorts, you were just dealt karma. Law grabbed that leg much faster than you had ever thought he could manage and tugged you down. Because of your weight being much lesser than his, he easily got you down onto the ground. The air was completely sucked from your being and you lost the ability to breathe, wincing in pain as tears pricked at your eyes.

Watching this, about half of your friends stood up in shock. Except Vivi considering that she was already stood. Koby and Koala then attempted to advance to help you in some way, but were swiftly blocked by a hand. That simple defence was enough to be able to let them watch from afar as Law then leaned down and got you by the collar, throwing you further across the walkway.


Koby had to force his wide eyes away from the scene in order to look down at who was stopping him, only to become much more concerned.
Eustass Kid's eyes bore into his face, a look of seriousness melting away into mischief that gave the pink haired boy a bad feeling.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself."


Focus was regained in his behalf when you had attempted to pick yourself up, only to fall back down. You weren't the most athletic of people neither were you too strong, so your efforts were much more futile than you had ever thought they would be. Only thing - person - to help you was Shachi as he rushed over and offered a hand.

Law was having none of it, hands clenched as he looked down his nose at you.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

His fists were shaking.

"Do you think that not listening to me is good moral or something?"

The redhead's hand slowly pulled you up and into his chest, where he held you close. You had thought the first time he would be affectionate to you in public would be on a better note, but apparently not. Apparently, the world just hated you.

Though you were a little hurt from his throw, you still fumed as your brother carried on.

"I do these things for a reason, not just-"

There were tears in your eyes, your boyfriend could see. But just as his fingers approached to wipe them away, you tore from his hold. You took wobbly steps towards your idiot of a brother, feeling the prickle against you waterline much more prominently. You had to choke back sobs. No way were you going to cry in front of all of these people, who were just watching in silence.

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