14 - Tipping Point

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As soon as the cafeteria doors came into view, Shachi's hand left the small of your back. Though you would never voice it, the sudden change from the relieving warmth to cold sweat as it poured down your face was prominent. For what reason you couldn't foretell, you felt anxious.

Apparently, you looked it.

"You okay?"

His head tilted to one side, his eyes flickering over your body. You were paler than your normal shade and had globs of sweat barrelling down your face, the answer was clear. But you weren't one to make someone worry, so you put on a smile.

"Yeah, I'm good."


"What are they talking about?"

Penguin frowned violently as his dark eyes were set on the lunch line across the room. Ikkaku glanced at him and then followed his gaze with a sigh, messing with her pasta salad idly.


What they were looking at, was not a normal sight. Their close friend, Law, was stood waiting for lunch - but had been approached by another. It confused the pair to see the raven haired man, standing alongside a certain redhead. That crimson redhead had a smirk on his face, a look that meant no good.

The girl's eyes narrowed, her bouncy curls falling around her face as she glared. Eustass Kid was not one to seek Law out unless there was a very good reason. Though she was brought out of her frown as confusion and concern set in, letting her vision cast onto the brunette next to her.

"Do you think we should-"

"Hey, that's where he's been!"

The conversation made a complete one-eighty when Penguin burst into a grin. The young man stood to his feet and started to vigorously wave towards the doors - the ones leading out into the courtyard. Ikkaku pried her eyes from Eustass Kid, who was now walking away with a look of glee on his face, and set her eyes onto the doors.

That was just as a pair of familiar faces walked through; that pair being you and Shachi.

At the call, Ikkaku inquisitively tore her eyes from you and your lover and looked over her shoulder. Her sights fell onto the table that you usually sat at, noticing you weren't there and she wasn't seeing things. Well of course she wasn't. She just wondered why you were with Shachi...


Shachi parted with you and went off to sit with Penguin. He was smiling subtly and his eyes pried from your body upon seeing you exit the room to go and meet up with Vivi in the bathrooms. As casual as ever. Normality restored.

"Where were you?"

The brunette hummed curiously, to which the redhead only shrugged. Ikkaku was listening in, but still picked at her food.

"Just making sure (Y/n) was okay."

"Ah, so I see you're still holding up the promise to look after her."

Jokingly, Penguin landed a nudge to Shachi's ribs. The latter was a little flustered, but managed to chuckle and nod.

"Yeah, I guess. When Law isn't around, we kinda have to take responsibility."

Digging into his pocket, your boyfriend produced his phone. Shachi was just about to give you a text to make sure you knew he was there for you, when he realised something. He lifted his head, frowning at his two friends. They responded by giving him their full attention.

"Oh, yeah? Where is Law?"

At the question, Penguin smiled. He then lifted a finger, gesturing over the redhead's shoulder. The redhead didn't turn but through the cafeteria's buzz, he could hear approaching footsteps. Judging by the sound of them, he knew it was Law. Sharp, purposeful yet relaxed. The brunette began to talk, folding his arms behind his head in a relaxed manner.

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