16 - the Aftermath

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It was hard not to cry. Especially when the first thing you were met with was the sight of a video that had been sent to you. You had no idea who had sent it, nor did you overly care, it hurt too much watching it. But judging by the cackles and chuckles that echoed from behind the camera, the view being you thrown across the room by Law, you could assume that it was Eustass Kid.

Really, you were beginning to hate that guy. He had ruined what was a perfectly good relationship, all for what was rumoured to be fun. And now that the holidays had come, there was no way you could simply waltz back into school to make him understand your thoughts on him. That also meant no seeing your friend everyday, not seeing Shachi.

You didn't know what to make of it all. You had spent the past day just crying over it, being a "big baby" as Law would occasionally comment. Not like you saw him a lot, though. You made a point of avoiding him like the plague despite being his sister.

With the most effort you had ever exuded in your life, you rolled out of bed. Your hair was a mess and you were wearing the same hoodie and shorts you wore the day previous. Yes, it was his. You refused to let go, not like Law could tell it was Shachi's or not. Tears had dried to your face to leave you looking like a pufferfish coloured in red, and there was this permanent frown etched into your features.

Creeping out into the corridor, you closed your door behind you quietly. As you did so, your eyes automatically leapt in the direction of your brother's room. Normally you would hear him down the phone to one of his friends or the lot of them playing video games - but no.

It was completely silent, and it was all your fault. Though you were angry at your brother, you were beyond angry at yourself for ruining what was a childhood friendship for the both of you. Even Penguin hadn't been around since then, probably more because he didn't want to seem biased to one friend or another than anything else.

Whatever, it still made you mad and you continued to wallop down the stairs like some kind of depression-riddled walrus of tears and redness.

"Hey, bean. You okay?"

You cringed slightly as you dove for the pan your father was holding, keeping it up before he let the oil run onto the floor. With a sigh of relief and of sadness, you mooched over to the stools up at the island counter.

"I could be better."

Though you couldn't see it, you could tell Rosinante was frowning.

"I know. I'm sorry."

You fiddled with the end of your black hoodie, inhaling into the collar. It still smelt like your redheaded lover, and it had that same warmth. But no amount of his material items could emit the same comfort that he himself did.

"No, it's okay."

Although he could've convinced Law that this whole thing was okay, your father didn't. You loved him dearly, you really did, but he was quite the docile man at the worst of times. You didn't blame him, of course. You blamed yourself for barricading your brother and his friends in this situation. That was all on you.

Turning around, your blonde father slid an omelette onto your plate. It was a little crispy and exactly what you would call well done, but it looked good nonetheless. As you began picking at it, not wanting to be rude yet not feeling up to eating, Rosinante leaned up against the counter. He smiled at you and watched as you went, the expression looking a little on the pitiful side of things.

"You know, there's one of those programmes you like on later. Maybe we can get Persian food and watch it together?"

His suggestion made you smile yourself, lifting your head to meet his eye.

"The George Clarke one?"

He nodded, you felt a little squeeze in your chest. How could you ever hate this man? He was super sweet and always knew how to cheer you up.

With a little bit of a heavy feeling for the most part but more cheery than before, you snickered half-heartedly.

"I think I'd like that..."


No matter what he did, he just couldn't get through.

He had tried the phone, messages, Instagram, Snapchat... heck, even Reddit and Discord. But no matter how much he tried and no matter how hopeful he felt, Shachi couldn't get through to you.

With a sigh, he let his phone flop onto his bed. He was lying on top of the duvet with his arms out in a starfish position, staring up at the ceiling. His lips were pressed into a frown and his eyebrows were furrowed, it also felt like someone was sitting on his chest with great pressure.

"He's probably locked her out of her messages..."

Even though he didn't want to truly admit it, he knew just how protective his best friend was of you. Law was the kind of guy to seem nonchalant and uncaring for the most part, but when it came to his family, he was ready to get into any business. It wasn't like the redhead didn't understand, either, spending your childhood shipped between place after place with only your sister would make you protective.

But the biggest regret of them all, out of everything he weighed up, was not being honest with his friend. Penguin often joked about wanted to be with you, and he got away with it with a simple glare or a punch. But Shachi? He was never able to bring you up so easily. He was too afraid of Law thinking he wasn't serious.
He also didn't want to seem as if he was toying with your heart.

Giving up with the phone entirely, he lay on his side. There wasn't much to do if you weren't texting him, nor if he wasn't able to go around to say hi to Law. Penguin had been messaging, sure, but it didn't feel remotely similar to the feeling of having his friends all together in one place.

There was one thing that caught his eye on the wall, as well. It was a little picture, a bit scuffed around the edges from the pure age of it. The photo was of the four of you. Penguin had his arm slung around both Shachi and Law's neck, the brunette in the middle beaming while Law scowled, Shachi giving a sheepish look.

Then there was you in the middle, standing in front of Penguin. Law had one hand on your head and had been trying to keep you still for the photo, resulting in why you looked so irritated. It was taken so many years ago it would be hard to count back how many, but it was a time much like days before when everything was good and jolly.

He could even hear your laugh just looking at it. Despite how much you had really grown, you hasn't changed all that much. The memory of the sound brought a smile to his lips, one that only stayed for a single, fleeting second.


The redhead was pulled from his thoughts when a shout came up the stairs from his mum. He groaned a little, but sat up to shout back.


His parents had finally come back from business. 
They had been away a few weeks and were the reason he had spent more time at Law's, but obviously not now. They also didn't know of the situation, which maybe wasn't a good thing. But still, he couldn't bring himself to explain.

"We are getting pizza in! Do the boys want to come over? You can even invite that sweet (y/n)!"

She really did only mean well, but he still felt the drop inside of his heart. His fists clenched in the duvet and his emerald eyes cast down, his smile falling.

"Uh, I think they're all busy today."

"Oh, then nevermind. We can have them over another day!"

With that, he was left in silence. His mother's words echoing over in his head.

If only things were better.



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