12 - Behind Closed Doors

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As the door clicked behind the both of you, the blaring music of the party cut off into a dull thud. In fact, the silence was so prominent that you could hear your own thoughts much better than when you were downstairs. That's why your mind jumped to the question that had been brewing, just as your boyfriend backed you into the door.

His hands slid down your exposed sides to rest at your hips and his lips were inches from your skin, each breath bouncing off of your neck. Your arms laced over his shoulders and you settled for a whisper, one so quiet it was if you were trying not to let anyone hear.

"What happened... down there?"

As the question slipped past you, his breath came out in a huff. His hands tightened on your hips and he pressed his body against yours. You were waiting with a frown but couldn't help breaking that furrow when his knee pressed in between your legs. From what you could see as you craned your neck up, a smile stretched across his face. That simple look and the love in his eyes melted you into a puddle of mush, your cheeks burning.

Oh, how he knew that no one could do that to you. Shachi was in no way an overly jealous man, he just didn't like challenge. Especially when the challenge was against you, someone who he cherished so much.

"Nothing, don't worry."

But soon, all was forgotten when he finally pressed his lips to yours. They were truly a perfect fit, how they moved together. His hands slid under the sides of your bikini bottoms and yours gripped his hair; small moans falling from your lips. He even managed to push his tongue into your mouth when he groped you from behind, his touch causing you to gasp. Okay maybe he was a little protective, as that was something he wished he could've done in front of Wire. That'd show him...

"Fuck, Shachi."

You practically whined as you pulled from him, your chest pressed right against his. The was a haze to your vision and your cheeks were red, a small line of saliva connecting your lips. Your lover just looked down at you and tilted his head, a mischievous smile on his face as his red hair framed it like artwork. You begged with your expression and snaked your arms further around his neck, burying your face into his shoulder.

Without having to be told, he picked you up. You yelped a little as you weren't expecting the sheer height, gripping onto his shoulders. Shachi simply laughed as he carried you away from the door, over towards your bed.

"Make sure Law doesn't find out..."

The redhead barely heard your mumble as he set you down on the covers, leaning over you. The tips of his hair were tickling your cheeks and his hands were on either side of your body, keeping himself up. Shachi quickly looked over his shoulder towards the shut door and then up to the open window, shaking his head as he stared back at you.

"Nah, he won't."

As if you couldn't get redder, he leaned down so his lips were next to your ear and laughed breathily.

"Hey, the music's too loud anyway."

You sucked in a sharp inhale as his hands slid under your back. Your body naturally raised as he fiddled with the back of your bikini top, working on taking it off. The strings finally fell loose and you sat up fully, making him lean back so you could take the garment from your body. It was no lie that you were nervous; after all, he had never seen you so exposed. No one had. But you were pleasantly surprised that when you tried to hide your breasts with your arm, he gently pulled it away.

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