04 - Just a Touch

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You and your class were completely silent and getting on with work, pens running across page after page. There weren't any disruptions either and most importantly, there was no noise. Everything was as normal, and Spanish continued on.

However, that was until a small spluttering laugh pulled your attention.

Your (e/c) eyes slid from the page you were working on in your notebook, across to the side. They rolled up a little as they met with the other end of the room, your head lifting a little. You weren't the only one who heard the noise, a few others glancing up discreetly.

Honestly, you were utterly surprised when you noticed that Hawkins was the person stifling a laugh. The guy was much more the silent, brooding type, not the type to be subtly smiling and trying not to laugh his ass off. Your eyebrow raised as you noticed his uncontainable expression, the same exact expression on the person who sat one seat across.

Shachi was also trying his hardest not to roll on the floor, his grin clear for all to see. Whatever the two boys were laughing about had got to be seriously funny, as you could literally see the tears in their eyes. The sight alone curled your own lips, causing you to feel your own laugh bubble in your throat.

More people seemed to catch on as the redhead pressed his whole hand to his mouth, thumping a fist on his knee. His body trembled and his shoulders shook violently, his green eyes on whatever was in front of him. Work couldn't be that funny so you easily guessed that he was hiding his phone in his book. Whatever it was, they wouldn't be laughing when Mr. Dracule of all people realise.

Which of course, he did.

" wipe those smirks off of your faces and get on with your work."

Both boys immediately straightened out, there eyes quickly averting from the teacher's. You could see the glare in the man's golden eyes, one that pierced through them. Even when they had gotten back to doing work, Mr. Dracule was still staring. But before you could put your own head down, his eyes skimmed to you.

They met yours for a single second, then shifted to the seat next to you. That seat had once occupied a friend of yours named Vivi, that was until she transferred over to French as she thought it to be more useful to her personally.

Although, you couldn't see why anyone would willingly change to a class run by Mr. Buggy...

That man was another breed of irritating.


Upon the older man's call, the emerald eyed redhead whipped his eyes up onto the teacher.

One single, sharp nod in your direction, and Mr. Dracule continued sternly and with authority.

"I would like you to sit next to Miss Trafalgar."

There was a pause as your eyes connected with Shachi's. You looked lost or possibly confused, but could feel your chest clench heavily. There was a skip to your heart as it missed a beat, this soft tingling emitting from the organ.

Prying his eyes from your own with a simple nod, Shachi stood up - taking his books and stationary with him. Well, his pen. He often forgot to bring other needed tools.

"Yes, sir. Sorry."

As the young man began walking towards you, you could feel yourself freezing up further. The most solid point in your ridged stature was when he pulled out the chair beside you, sitting down casually. You were sure no one noticed your nervous behaviour, too set on their work: not wanting to trouble themselves either.

Mr. Dracule went back to whatever marking he was left to do, leaving just you.

You, nervous and unprepared for reasons that even you couldn't explain, and Shachi.

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