06 - Uncle Doffy

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The lights were off and the door was shut, Shachi was standing in between your legs as you sat on a desk - your hands in his hair.

It was still a strange phenomenon, considering that you were still in disbelief about his reciprocation. But no matter what you thought, it was safe to say that this was now the norm. The two of you were always treading carefully when in the company of others at school. But as soon as the classroom doors were shut or the corridors voided to no more than isolation, his lips were on yours.

God forbid if anyone found out.

As his tongue invaded your mouth, his hand was creeping up the inside of your shirt. His cold touch against the skin of your side and stomach made you shiver, the pleasurable vibration of your moan travelling through his hand. Your fingers toyed with the fiery strands of his hair, twisting at it absentmindedly as he leaned further over you. His other hand was knocking sheets of paper, books and all forms of stationary onto the floor as he held himself over you; the lot of it gliding onto the floor.

Your main focus was on him, his touch and his lips. However, as those items clattered to the floor, you could've sworn you'd heard something like footsteps.

Your heart dropped.


His hum rumbled against you just as he pulled away a little, looking into your eyes. The redhead stole a few more pecks and tried to go back in before you stopped him, pressing one hand to his chest.

Shachi then pouted childishly, wanting to know why you stopped him.

But when he too heard the sound of a door handle turning, the both of you sprung apart with wide eyes and dove to pick up the sheets and books around you.

That was right as the door swung wide open, a pair of eyes falling onto the both of you from behind dark glasses.

When you looked up from the floor, stacks of notebook paper in your hand with a face as red as a tomato, you knew you fucked up. You knew that anyone could've walked through those doors, and it just happened to be the worst possible person.

The situation couldn't be more awkward.

"U-Uncle Doffy!"

Right there, towering in the doorway of your empty Spanish classroom, was you uncle who happened to also be a teacher of Economics at your school.

You couldn't quite see what he was looking at, courtesy of his dark glasses, but you could practically tell he was glancing between the both of you.


"Oh? Am I interrupting something?"

Your eyes went as wide as saucers at his teasing question, your shock only being masked by Shachi as he swiftly stepped in front of you. Luckily for the both of you, your redhead also knew your uncle pretty well, being bold enough to confront him by himself.

"No, sir. We were just finishing on some revision, is all."

The slightest bullet of sweat rolled down Shachi's temple, his fingers nervously shuffling against the paper.

Though to his statement, the blonde man simply hummed: his head tilting as if he were looking around the room.

His joker-ish grin stretched.

"In the darkness? Don't you care for eye strain, Shachi?"

It was the emerald eyed man's turn to panic, turning his back to put the paper back onto the desk. At least if he was turned away, no one could see his alarmed expression but you.

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