13 - Sinking Feeling

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There was this surge of respect you had gained from the party, that being noticeably evident on the Monday after. People were talking to you more often than not and some who never even bothered with you were saying hello here and there. Not like you minded, though. It made for a much more cheery time and it gave you this little kick of confidence. Of course, confidence that had truly been brought about by your lover and his bedroom compliments.

Because yes, you were still smitten about the fact you had both finally slept together. Which, by the way, no one had found out about yet. Honestly, it was a surprise to you that your brother and Rosinante didn't question why you went to the pharmacy as soon as you had eaten breakfast the day after. Then again, they would've thought it was for something girly and didn't want to ask. It was girly, just not the kind of thing they were thinking of. The trip was to make sure you had something that didn't allow you to have Shachi's children. Yet...

You were on the way to your history class, a little late but not so late that it would end up in punishment. It was just lucky enough your teacher, Ms. Boa, liked to go easy on the girls of the class. To an extent, at least. The boys? That was a whole different story for another time.

As you went, you were greeted by a duo of friends that never seemed to be too bothered by you. They were called Cavendish and Bartolomeo; two of the most unlikely people to ever talk to you and you would've never guessed alone that they were friends. But the blonde practically bowed to you and gave you a pearly grin, while the rugged, green haired student just gave you a toothy smile and a thumbs up gesture. You had finished waving to them just as you turned down the corridor you needed to be on, slowly turning your head away as not to seem rude.

The only thing with that, was that you weren't able to see who was coming quick enough. So when you almost bumped right into another person, someone you prayed wasn't a teacher, you moved right past. It was just a little alarming when said person then suddenly grabbed you by the crook of your elbow, your eyes going as wide as saucers.

"Trafalgar (Y/n)."

There was this awkwardness that sent you ridged as you recognised the voice. With a tiny smile so sheepish it was embarrassing, you looked up. When you did, your eyes met with the ones of tangerine that belonged only to the redheaded Kid. Eustass Kid, mind you.

"Hey, Eustass."

Your eyes flickered from his to the grip he had on your elbow. It was firm and most definitely something that you weren't used to receiving, your body stiffening like a board. But that only made him hold on tighter, clearly not wanted you to slip.

"Uh, can I help you?"

There was a pause, right as the bell rung. You cringed knowing that you would be late. Not like the crimson redhead cared. Then again, he wasn't known to be the most perfect student in the college.

That was exactly your thought until he let go, slipping past as casually as if this were all some kind of catch-up chat. Though, he did say one thing. One thing that made your eyebrows furrow tightly, your head turn to watch as he got further and further away.

"Meet me by the gym after this period."

Whatever it was about, it didn't really sit well with you. But you knew the older student just well enough just to know that messing with him wasn't a good idea, so all you did was nod to yourself more than anyone else and scuttle off to your lesson.


For some reason, you wondered if this was all because you didn't hang around to chat with him more at the party. Maybe Eustass Kid was much more salty than you though, maybe he just wanted a catch up. Though, you wouldn't exactly call standing outside the gym by a concealed brick wall a casual way of meeting. Especially when there was grounds upon grounds of room to stand around in as an alternative.

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