19 - My Brother's Best Fri(end)

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The time had actually come, and you couldn't contain yourself.

You were standing on the porch, along with Law not too far behind. While he was more reserved about the whole thing, you couldn't actually keep the excitement away. The day was sunny and all was beautiful, and the once-tense atmosphere had completely melted away.

All was good, all was calm.

That was, of course, until a very familiar car pulled up and parked just outside the house. You were completely unable to keep from dashing down the front steps as the passenger door opened, Penguin having stepped out from the driver's side. A head of red hair emerged from the  car and out came Shachi, who then walked towards you with a smile.

"Oof- h-hey."

You had barrelled into your lover, pressing your face into his chest. Your arms were around his neck and his hands had moved to your waist, dropping his head into the crook of your neck.

There was no way to physically describe how you were feeling.

"I missed you so damn much."

Your voice was muffled slightly and he chuckled into your shoulder, his breath bouncing off your skin. The sensation alone made you feel like you were hooked up to electricity, that warmth even staying when he pulled away just to peck you on the lips.

Shachi stood up to full height, his hand pressed to the small of your back, and started off in the direction of the front door. It was an understatement to say he was nervous - beads of sweat rolling down his temples and a sheepish expression on his face. That was because he was met with Law, who in turn had his arms crossed over his front.

"Hey, Law."

Penguin scampered past and into the house, knowing better than to stand in the way of a make up between his friends.

The raven haired man just stared down at the redhead, his steely eyes piercing into his friend. The arm around your back tightened and Shachi instinctively pulled you in more, causing you to place a hand on his bicep in a way of keeping him cool. Unlike him under the pressure of being gazed at by your brother, you couldn't stop smiling.

Your heart was more than ready to burst.


At his name, the emerald-eyed man froze up. It was moments like these he wished the dark sunglasses on his forehead were on his face instead, keeping him from being bored into by Law's daggers for eyes.

But then, rather than being berated by an angered Law, your brother just softened. There was a small smile that grew on his face, his head tilting to one side. You also cocked your head, confused. Well, until he spoke to Shachi.

"I have Overwatch running on the TV. Get your ass inside."

You watched as your boyfriend then broke out in a grin. His eyebrows were furrowed in a competitive way, a chuckle slipping his lips as Law turned and headed inside.

"What, is this you declaring you're better at Overwatch than me again?"

Your brother hummed, your lover just frowned.


Your hand was taken up in his larger one, being engulfed by the warmth. You were then softly pulled inside by Shachi, only to giggle when you heard Penguin calling out from the living room.


Shachi rolled his eyes just as you looked up to him, seeing his expression of happiness. His look triggered your own, your heart pounding within its confinement of ribs. He was back. You were back. Together.


Thank god that school had finally finished. Although you very much liked being around the majority of your classmates, it was about time for you to leave. And after you being a year behind Shachi and your brother, watching them graduate, it was satisfying to do so yourself. Of course, all was much better than those years ago, when you had that funny fight in the canteen.
Yes, people still brought it up and you had been called "iron fist" as a joke from time to time. You really didn't fight that well.

"That the last one?"

You glanced back from the box you were emptying, your brother coming through the door with another in his hands. He nodded and put it down by the threshold, stretching to his full height and crossing his arms over with a lopsided smile. He had been noticeably more jolly these days.

"Yep, it is. Though I think there's a suitcase or two."

As if on cue, your father then walked through the door with your lover not so far behind. Each man held a couple of suitcases in their hands, putting them down gently by the sofa. It was a miracle your father had only fallen down the stairs once, your brand new apartment was quite high up the stairs.

"All good?"

You flashed Shachi a smile, and he reciprocated it. He stepped forward to slide a hand around your waist, taking a look across the apartment.

"Yep, all-"

If only looking around could be so simple in your strange family. For as soon as he hugged you, a huge pressure hit him in the middle of the back. You were quick to gasp and jump out of the way, just in time to avoid the redhead as he face planted the sofa. It looked so uncomfortable, but you couldn't stop laughing your head off at the huge, white Samoyed dog who then sat right in the middle of his back and started licking his head.

"Bepo, h-hey!"

You were clutching your sides in laughter as your lover tried to roll over, only to be pushed back down. It seriously took the efforts of both your brother and father to remove the ball of fluff from the fallen man, not being helped by you who was still laughing.

But once he got off, he then went straight for Rosinante. It was impressive how calm the dog was around the man, not zipping everywhere every five seconds. It was also genuinely fascinating how quickly Bepo had grown being only a year old, Shachi reckoned that's why he still thought he was a tiny puppy.

After you all sat, things had finally settled in. Law and your dad were on one sofa at each ends, and you and Shachi were on another. You were leaned into the redhead's side and your beast of a dog was lying his head across your lap, the lot of you smiling away.

Finally, Rosinante broke the quick silence that had settled in. He looked at you with fatherly affection, possibly even the most microscopic tear in his eye.

"You really have grown up, bean."

You smiled, cuddling closer to your lover - happy you now had a place to yourself. Living with your dad and brother was great, but living with Shachi was a whole other story.

"Sure has."

Law piped up, looking between the both of you and your redhead. He then rolled his eyes, but ultimately smiled.

"I'm glad it was you, Shachi."

In turn, you giggled. He had changed his mind about the whole thing and it was great, it took a while back then and now he was nothing but support.

"I'm glad too."

You said as you looked up, catching those emerald eyes of your lover. There was this heat inside your stomach, something that got the butterflies moving.

No one else could make you feel this way.

Only your brother's best friend.

~~~ The End ~~~


With that, the story ends.

Thank you all for being on such a journey with me, I couldn't imagine a better ending in my mind. Shachi deserves it. So do you! I hope you all enjoyed that book and I appreciate all of those who have read. Please know I thank you wholeheartedly.

Have the most wonderful day and happy 2022! I wish you all the best.


- TransponderSnail

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