05 - The Secret Begins

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No matter what you did and no matter where you went, you just could not stop thinking about what had happened. Not even the usual buzz of chatter inside the canteen could pull you from your dream-like state, not even the busyness of the day ahead.

One hand pressed against your cheek as you stared off into nothingness, eyes hazy and mind fuzzy. You were completely drowning out everything around you, only thinking of him... that soft touch and the adrenaline that came with it...

The thing was, it still hadn't quite sunken in yet.

Since you hadn't seen Shachi for a while because of different classes and it had been a few days, the situation hadn't hit you yet. It was like you were caught in some kind of dream, one that you just couldn't wake up from.

Not like you wanted to, of course.

But you were soon forced to wake up as one of your friends prodded you from across the table, a look of worry written on her face.

"You okay, (y/n)?"

Vivi's soft voice snapped you out of your trance, her big, round eyes staring into your own. You managed to sit up enough to nod, slowly settling back into your seat afterwards.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"You sure?"

This time, Koby piped up.

The pink haired boy also looked extremely concerned, lifting one hand. That hand pressed firmly to your forehead, checking to see if you had a temperature of such.

Of course, he pulled away quickly and his eyes went wide, and you could physically see the panic rapidly setting into the guy.

"W-Woah, your temperature is really high!"

"Is it?!"

Your final group member in the form of Koala stood to her feet suddenly, slapping both hands onto the surface of the table in a frantic manner. The poor thing shook a little under the force, groaning as it set back into place.

"Do you want me to get your brother-!"

At that thought, you shook your head immediately. Not to say that your friends are dim, but you just knew he'd see right through you and then ask about it.

Well, interrogate you about it.

Then, you'd be royally screwed.

"No, It's okay. Really, Koala-"

"What's okay and why do you need me?"

Talk about timing.

Your whole body froze solid as the voice of your brother sailed over the back of your bench seat, impeding the air. All eyes shot behind you and onto the man himself, a very set frown plastered on his face.

Well fuck.

"L-Law! Why are you here?"

Your brother rounded the table and you were able to keep your neck from being strained any longer, the man now standing near the middle. He gave you what you read as a suspicious glance, right before he reached into his pocket. When he pulled his hand back out, he simply outstretched it to you, causing you to look down hesitantly.

"This is for?"

In his hand was a ten pound note.

You took it quickly and raised an eyebrow, stuffing it into your own pocket. You looked back up to see your brother wandering away, hands in the pockets of his jeans.

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