02 - Back to School

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"But seriously, you should've seen them."

Koby shivered violently as he recalled the events that had happened after you left the party at the weekend. He walked beside you as you indulged in his story, books in hand and a grimace on his face.

"Was it really that bad?"

You really didn't need to ask twice after being shot a very concerned look, averting your eyes back to the teeming corridor.

Apparently just after you were carried out of the party, a fight between Portgas D. Ace and Eustass Kid ensued. The tussle was bad enough that the police had to get involved, meaning that your own adoptive dad was present to view the aftermath. Thank god you left when you did, there was nothing worse than directly bringing shame to your dad. He was a sweet man and didn't need that, so you were glad to be gone by then.

The only unfortunate thing was that he had to come back home late to your drunken sobs as Law practically roared his head off at you, extremely disappointed and angry. Rosinante basically had to tear apart an argument between his children before carrying you to bed, tucking you up like when you were a little girl and giving your disoriented self a kiss goodnight.

It was a good thing he was more lenient than your brother, even if he was protective himself.

"But anyway... I'm glad you're still alive."

His nervous chuckle practically rebounded onto you, the both of you just sharing this look of inevitable doom. You then stared down at your trainers as they shuffled along, letting your words tangle with the buzz of the students going between classes.

"Barely. I really did think that Law was going to murder me out of anger, but I guess I kind of deserved it."

You sighed as your shoulders slumped heavily.

Your brother was much less annoyed at you now that a few days had passed, but that didn't mean you felt any less guilty. Let's just say you knew you would be fortunate to go to any more parties that year.

Koby noticed your understandable misery and placed one hand on your shoulder, patting it gently.

"Hey, at least it's behind you now."

You looked up at your sweet friend, giving him a half-assed smile that soon morphed into a true one upon seeing his expression. The pink haired boy was always just too good at making people feel better, courtesy of his adorably friendly ways.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it-"

"Ayy, (y/n)!"

Both yours and Koby's heads whipped around when an arm, once again, fell around your shoulders. You stumbled a bit with the rough impact, gasping a little as you did so.

Well what did you know, your drinking buddy really knew how to time things well.


"C'mon, man."

As quickly as it came the pressure was lifted, and you were left to face both men who stood in your way. One was the excitable brunette that was Penguin, wearing a t-shirt, jeans and a big old grin. The other was Shachi, who had been your saviour from his friend's usual greetings, kitted in his normal hoodie and joggers.

Both of them casual, as always.

"Hey, sorry (y/n)."

Scratching at the back of his neck, the redhead smiled awkwardly. His green eyes were turned away but quickly fell on you just to see your smile, your head shaking.

"No, it's okay."

That smile soon flickered to a frown as you remembered something. They weren't the ones who were meant to be apologising to you, it was meant to be the other way around. You most definitely had something to say to them, just for being such a burden when you promised you'd be good.

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