03 - Cup Noodles

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Huffing, you shuffled your wet, bare feet along the doormat. You had soaking, waterlogged towels hanging over your arm, your hair slightly damp as yet another towel hung around your neck. 

"Law! Can you get me another towel!"

Your voice echoed through the house as you called for your brother, standing there simply waiting for his reply. A few seconds passed and you didn't hear a thing, the blood inside of your body boiling slowly. He was testing your patience.

"Law, I said can you-!"

"Dang! You already have it? I haven't even bought the new copy!"

At that very moment, the front door at the other end of the house opened. It was a good coincidence as well, as in came Penguin, followed by your brother and Shachi too.

"Yeah, though I don't think I am going to play it until-"

"What the hell are you doing?"

With a frown on his face, your brother completely cut through the redhead's words. All eyes then darted to your sopping figure, your body wet from head to toe. Law seemed to get increasingly annoyed and opened his mouth to say something, right when you sighed and made a beeline for the stairs - wet footprints trailing after you.

"Cora-san fell in the pool again, can you bring him more towels."

"Can't you?"

The young man snapped back almost immediately, giving you a glare. His friends just stood there and picked the conversation back up, way too used to your dad's antics and your brother's remarks. Though you simply huffed and squeezed out your hair with the towel around your neck, ignoring him to thump irritatedly upstairs.

"No actually, I can't. I have my own problem to now sort out."

As you reached the top and went into your room, you could just about hear your brother's angered sigh as he strode off to get more towels.

Sometimes, you wondered why you even asked.

When you had gotten into your space, you threw the soggy items into your washing basket; heading off towards your shower. If nothing else could fix this, a shower sure as hell could...

Downstairs, the guys made themselves comfortable in the living room. Of course, Law had just come in from giving Rosinante more towels and prevented yet another smoking-related fire, flopping defeatedly onto the unoccupied sofa with a huff.

"Why can't she do these things herself?"

His irritation was clear, brows knitting into a frown. Yet from the other sofa Penguin grinned cheekily, putting both hands behind his head.

"Because if she did that, then you'd become useless."

The brunette received a heavy scowl, only laughing it up with a slight sweat to his brow. Law just rolled his eyes harshly and sighed, throwing his leg up onto the other. Penguin stopped laughing and hummed, tilting his head in his grumpy friend's direction.

"I'm kidding. But I gotta say, she'd make a damn good wife."

"Dude, what the hell?"

Shachi blurted out from the opposite end of the sofa, sitting up. His eyes were slightly wide as he acknowledged his friend had said too much, screaming at him just with a look. Though, the host only looked between his two friends and clicked his tongue, curling his eyes back towards the wall.

"Oi, watch it. Don't talk about my sister like that."

There was a pause.

"Yeah, sorry."

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