𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 14.

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"I'll do it." He said, grabbing the needle from her and putting the cloth into her hand. He once again grabbed her chin so she wouldn't move as he started sewing the wound. His group was firm yet gentle.

"Fuck." She hissed and reflexively grabbed onto his wrist as their eyes met for a moment.

"Just a sec." He spoke with a low voice before he finally got it done. He then cleaned it with the disinfection again.

"Thanks" she muttered, looking up at him only to realize their faces were insanely close.

They both froze, looking into each other's eyes and the silence in the air was making everything even more intimate

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They both froze, looking into each other's eyes and the silence in the air was making everything even more intimate.

He completely stole her breath. This man that's incredibly good at surviving, a killer yet so warm.

Her eyes drifted to his lips and then back to his hazel eyes and she noticed him do the same. They both as if couldn't stop staring and in this moment Makayla was ready to risk it all.

Her eyes once again drifting to his lips as she shifted in her seat a little, appearing taller which made her closer to him. She noticed Joel's hard chest rising and falling rapidly.

Very carefully she leaned in, closing her eyes as she moved her face closer to his. She felt their lips lightly brush against each other sending shivers down her spine and just as that happened Joel took a step back,pulling away.

 She felt their lips lightly brush against each other sending shivers down her spine and just as that happened Joel took a step back,pulling away

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Completely ashamed her eyes shifted to the ground as he now stepped even further away, clearing his throat with a low groan.

"Joel- I-," She started but he was now walking back towards a couch.

Makayla inhaled the scent she barely could smell now that he's not close.

"Just- get some sleep

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"Just- get some sleep. We gotta keep going." He declared coldly and went laid down, leaving Makayla the whole bed to herself. Of course he wouldn't lay down next to her after this. What was she even thinking wanting to kiss him.

She kept her gaze down, not even knowing what to say as she got into the bed, not being able to fall asleep anyway. She was embarrassed, angry at herself and the worst part was they had to finish this whole journey after this. She already couldn't wait how awkward tomorrow is gonna be.

She could hear Joel sigh heavily. Probably frustrated at what he was doing and regretting the little moment.

Well, this couldn't take a worse turn, she thought to herself.


She barely slept as her eyes shot open. She was tired of laying in bed without being able to sleep. Joel for some reason wasn't mumbling in his sleep which was probably because he couldn't fall asleep either.

Makayla was too embarrassed to do so and Joel too disappointed in himself that he even let that short moment happen. He shouldn't have even tried to help her.

She heard Joel grunt as he sat up and she did the same, looking at him with an unsure expression on her face.

He walked up to the nearest table as he started updating his guns. After that he placed them down and walked into the bathroom without noticing Makayla was already awake too.

As soon as the door behind him closed she decided to get out of bed and get her things ready. She put the aid kit in her backpack as well as the other things and clothes.

The door shrieked as they opened and Joel walked out, faintly looking at her before he went to grab his backpack.

She walked past him, facing the ground so she'd avoid any eye contact as it was now her turn to use the bathroom.

She turned on the water in the sink, splashing her face with it before looking at herself in the mirror.

She sighed.

"You damn fool." She whispered to herself and splashed her face with water one more time before brushing her teeth. Carrying toothbrushes around was definitely a necessity for people living in the apocalypse.

She opened the door quietly.

"You ready to go?" Joel asked, not even facing her.

"Yeah." She murmured and grabbed her backpack, ready to follow him.


They've been walking for good 10 minutes by now in absolute silence.

It was starting to get on her nerves and she didn't like this uncomfortable tension in the air at all.

They walked into a high building.

They were walking around when Joel noticed some elevator door. The door was barely open as he pushed it open with his hands, grunting while doing so since it was pretty stuck.

Makayla followed him inside seeing a ladder so they climbed it, ending up on top of another elevator.

Joel looked up seeing the entrance back into the building as he leaned against the wall and Makayla already knew what he wanted her to do, "C'mon find me something to climb on."

She grabbed onto his shoulders as he boosted her up but the second he did the elevator under his feet started to shake before it fell down and Joel fell with it. There was a basement far down there filled with water.

"Joel!" Makayla screamed as she watched him disappear from her sight.

"I'm alright!.. Are you okay?"

She heard him call out after a little while.

"No! You scared the fucking shit out of me! I'm gonna climb down there alright?!" She yelled but Joel disagreed, "No! Stay up there! I'll make my way up to you."

Makayla exhaled abruptly, looking around. She explored the room she was in. It was clear. And when there was nothing she could do anymore she sat down on a nearest chair, waiting before her eyes started to close and she didn't even realize she falling asleep.

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now