The Puppet

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"Give gifts, give life."

Roxy stared at me strangely. It was like she was seeing right through me, not seeing me at all. No, wait- she wasn't staring at me. She was staring at something behind me.
I slowly turned and looked in the direction Roxy was looking.
It was the animatronic that was in the box. Awake. Seemingly floating.
It had eyes that seemed like deep black pits, and two shining white dots. It meant trouble, as I could tell by that smile it had.... That mocking, evil smile. But those eyes....
Those eyes....
They seemed eerily familiar. But... From where?

It was silent. Dead silent. Roxy didn't dare move. I sat in silence racking my brain trying to remember where I'd seen those eyes before. And it- just stared. Directly at us. Roxy said it didn't talk and I was admittedly too afraid to try to speak to it.
I then tried to look away- just for a second- but my eyes were glued in place.
Then it moved.
Lifting its long, skinny arm and pointing a claw at me. Right at me. In the silence the thing- the Puppet- pointed at me... yes... The Puppet. That's its name. But how do I know that? Did Roxy tell me?
No- Mangle. Not Roxy.
Mangle and the Puppet.
The Puppet's cold eyes looking into my soul. The Puppet's deadly claw raised towards me.
Mangle. And The Puppet.
Foxy 2.0. And the giver of life.
The giver of life.
The giver of life.

I thought I heard Mangle calling to me, but she seemed distant. Far away. I had no idea what she was calling out.
All I saw were those eyes.
That smile.
Those tears.
Those tears.

The Puppet didn't seem scary anymore. Not menacing, nor frightening. Not cold, but warm.
And familier. Extremely familier.

Something touched me. Or someone.
Was it Mangle?
Something talked to me.
Toy Chica?
Something shook me.

Was I moving? What was I doing? I can't remember. I couldn't think. No- I couldn't think for myself.

Was it the Puppet?
Or something else?
Did my software glitch-? No.
No. It was a strange feeling. Not. Software problem. Not a glitch or anything. I knew what it was. I know what it was.

And I knew where I've seen those cold, dead eyes before. I know where I've seen those tears before.

The Puppet isn't smiling with that gaping mouth.
It's yelling. Screaming. Crying out for help...

And I'm doing this same. I always have been.

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