Chapter 3

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is August 11, 2021. There is an Etsy shop (RatherUnusual) that makes custom care packages complete with letters for characters in Marvel and Harry Potter, specifically Loki and the Weasley twins.

I got a Loki care package.

With a letter.

Signed by Loki.

"So, you're part of the TVA's courageous and dedicated workforce?" Loki asks mockingly.


"You were created by Time-Keepers."


"To protect the Sacred Timeline."


Y/n bursts into laughter as Loki watches with an amused face, Mobius watching with a light humored but mostly scrutinizing face. "Is that funny?"

"The idea that your little club decides the fate of trillions of people all across existence at the behest of three space lizards. Yes, it's funny! It's absurd!"

"Thought you two didn't like to talk," he deadpans. 

He points to too double-doored entrances opposite each other, each with their own numbers on them. He gestures to the guards guarding one. "Take him." Mobius ushers Y/n into the opposite auditorium, much to their mutual distate.

Y/n is forced into a chair in a large auditorium, with a platform at the front and a table and set of chairs in the center, columns lining the walls. She sits, pouting as she watched Mobius take the seat across from her. "This room is suspicious, just saying."

"Not big on trust are you?" He asks rhetorically.

Y/n's face remains frozen in the disapproving line. "Trust is for those who have worked at it for hundreds of years. There's only two people you can trust."

"Yourself and your little lover? I like it. Slap it on a Valentine's Day card," he laughs. 

"Where did you come from? Why am I only just now hearing of this place?" She asks.

"Cause you've never needed to. You've always lived within your set path."

"I don't have a path."

"Sure you do! Come on, lets get into this," he says, shifting his weight on his seat and scooting in. Y/n glares at him, leaning back in the chair with her arms crosses. "If looks could kill," Mobius tsks.

"What is it you want?" She asks again.

"Well, let's start with a little cooperation," he suggests, folding his hands on the table.

"Not likely."

"Really? Even when you're gonna make an attempt to woo someone before you betray them?" Mobius shoots. 

Y/n scoffs. "Oh, come on. You don't know everything about me."

"Maybe I'd like to learn," Mobius says calmly. "I specialize in the pursuit of dangerous Variants."

"Like myself?" She asks, priding herself.

"Well, yes, but actually no, not in that way," he winces. "You see, you would be dangerous if you had actually chosen to tap into the power of the Aether you've got stopped up in there, but we also know that you've tried, but there's some major blockage, isn't there?"

Y/n's jaw sets in surprise and anger. So they know. Mobius scans her face and nods, moving on. "I've got a set of questions for you. You answer them honestly, and then maybe I can give you something that you want. You want to get out of here, right? Back to Loki? Yeah, so we'll start there. Should you return, what are you gonna do?"

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