一 (one)

914 21 5
  • Dedicated to Franny Wangton

hey everyone!
this is a nalu fanfiction,
and something you should
know is that i write
pretty short chapters.
oops :|
hope you enjoy,


The sun filtered through my apartment window as I kicked the covers off of my body. In the distance, I could hear the shouts of children and others bustling around in Fiore, and I couldn't help but reminisce about the old times with Natsu.

"Natsu, let's play!"

"Okay," he shouted back happily. We disappeared into the surrounding bushes and trees as we tried to hide from Happy. There was a loud yelp as Natsu was found, and his bright pink hair peeked out of the bushes, ashamed that he was found so easily. However, that expression changed quickly into a smirk as he started making stupid jokes to lure me out. Soon after, the sun began sitting and we wrapped up the picnic blanket as I slowly held out my hand, saying,

"C'mon, let's go home."

I slipped on my normal clothing and walked out of my apartment, humming a quiet tune as I played with my keys. I eventually reached the recently reopened amusement park, and saw Natsu and Lisanna talking to each other at the cotton candy stand. When he noticed my presence, he muttered a quick "Lisanna, I'll talk to you later" and walked over to me, Happy flying over his head.

"Yo Luce," he greeted.

"Are you free tonight? We can come back together."

"Sorry Luce, but I already made plans with Lisanna."

I could feel my heart shatter into pieces. But of course, it's not like he knew I liked him anyway. I don't know why I expected him to make that kind of time for me.

"Alright, I'll see you at the guild later then," I replied, hiding my face as I wiped a stray tear.


Even though she hid her face, I could tell she was disappointed. What I couldn't understand was, why?

By the time I got home, put on a suit and made myself look nice, it was late enough for me to go back to the amusement park to see Lisanna.

"Natsu~" Happy drawled, and I ignored him. And there she was, standing by the gates of the park, dressed in white and looking like an angel. I handed her the bouquet that I was holding earlier, and we walked hand in hand to a table in a restaurant.

"I know we saw each other earlier, but how are you?" I asked once we were seated.

"I'm fine. What did Lucy have to say?" She asked.

"Nothing too important," I replied, biting my lip at the sudden lie. After a few seconds passed, Lisanna looked at me slowly, and whispered,

"I really like you, Natsu. I want to make this serious."

"Me too," I replied back, showing her a blue necklace that I had picked up from my house as a gift for her. She gasped in amazement and her cheeks flushed red. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the table, muttering a simple,

"Let's go for a walk," to which she agreed.

The rest of the night was spent with us just being so in love in the glow of the streetlights.

(edited 190210)

it's not the end - nalu | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now