十 (ten)

525 13 0

Lucy's POV

        Sunlight filtered through the room. I opened my eyes, and oddly enough, I was smiling.

        "You're not a morning person, are you?" I heard a familiar voice say as I groaned. I looked up to see Natsu (failing) cooking. As he turned around to face me, I saw the pancake in his hand began to char and burn.

        "Natsu! The pancake!"

        "Sorry Luce."

        "Sorry doesn't cut it. I will make another pancake. Stay away from the pancakes. Unless if you're going to eat them."

        "Yes ma'am." I laughed as I got off the bed.

        "Wait. Why was I on the bed?" Natsu didn't answer. I glared at him.

        "Okay, sorry, Luce. But you were cold. So I dragged you onto the bed, and I hugged you. The whole night you were smiling," he answered. I blushed.

        "I'm going to take a bath." I left to go to the bathroom, clothes in hand.

Natsu's POV

        After Lucy went to take a bath, I was really bored. Happy was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up because then he would get really mad at me. And the water was on, so I couldn't yell at Lucy to wake up. I looked on the bed to see that she left her towel. After the water stopped, she screamed.

        "Natsu?" she asked weakly. I knocked on the door.

        "I forgot my towel." 

        "Yeah. I know. Open the door, I'll give it to you." After a minute or two, she reluctantly opened the door, but she was hiding behind the door. I grinned.

        "Here," I said as I handed her the towel.

        "You can go now," she said.

        "I've seen you--"

        "GET OUT!" she yelled. I chuckled and then waited for her to get out of the bathroom.

it's not the end - nalu | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now