三 (three)

726 20 4


I woke up abruptly, and quickly checked the time. Midnight. I stretched a little and then proceeded to pack my bags—I didn't want to stay here any longer. I felt like I was being replaced by Lisanna and I wanted to go solo. I quickly took a pen and tried to scribble a letter as coherently as possible before leaving it on the desk and escaping through the window.

Dear Team Natsu,

I have decided that I'm going to try a few solo jobs. This is just to let you guys know that I'm going.

I'm not officially leaving the team, but I do want to still exercise my ability to go out and do jobs, and also to try fighting on my own. If there's anything absolutely necessary for me to know, use Warren's telepathy card. Please take care of yourselves and I'll see you guys the next time when I come back.

P.S. Keep my stuff safe, but don't give it to other people. Ahem, Natsu, don't take any more of my necklaces.


Lucy Heartfilia ♥

I looked up ahead, and tried to find my way by following the moonlight. The moonlight was a harsh white against the water, and it seemed as if it was just mocking me, as if to say "once I go away, you'll only be in the dark."


Surprisingly, when Happy and I woke up, we were pretty early to the guild hall. But we didn't see Lucy on our way there when we passed her apartment. Weird

"Where's Lucy?" I asked Mira, sidling up to the counter. 

"Natsu, we should check Lushee's apartment!" Happy cut in. We went to her apartment in the hopes of finding her there, checking in her bed, checking under her bed, and in the bathroom when—

"She left a letter, look!" I briefly skimmed the letter, but she used some complicated words, so I figured that we should as Mira instead.

"Hey you're back! Oh, she left a letter? Let's see," she murmured, "she plans on going on a few solo jobs, but if we need to talk to her about anything, we can just use Warren's telepathy card. She also says take care of yourselves." After she finished, the rest of Team Natsu dispersed, but Mira held him back.

"I'm assuming this is for you," she said, pointing to the last line. I took the letter from her and read where she said not to take...her...necklaces? 

Crap. That was her crying that day? And that was her necklace? When did she leave it at my house? And why was she crying? Why was she dressed up? Thousands of questions flooded my head as I angrily walked around, trying to figure out the answers.

(editied 190210)

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