二 (two)

729 19 3
  • Dedicated to Samy K


The walk was filled with a peaceful silence as we just basked in the presence of each other. 

"Thank you for tonight, Natsu. It was nice spending time with you, but I'll have to go now or Mira nee-chan will be worried," Lisanna said, and then quickly pecked my cheek. A blush colored my face as I touched the spot with one hand and waved to her with the other, her back retreating in the distance.

As I continued to walk back home with a goofy smile on my face, I heard some quiet sobbing and noticed a girl sitting on a park bench. The streetlights illuminated her face and her tears spilled onto her dark red dress; her blonde hair shimmered in the moonlight. In her hands were the remnants of a red rose.

"You should go now," I spoke out and she looked up startled. In the end, she got up and ran away.

She smelled so familiar, but I was too much in a daze from the happy night that I didn't want to worry about it.


I really didn't expect to see Natsu after his date.

All the more, I sat there, waiting for him, for no reason. When he said no earlier. I don't know what I was expecting. I wish I wasn't so bothered about this. 

With a sigh, I changed into my pajamas and lay my head on my pillow, as I slowly thought about the good memories, like him sneaking into my bedroom and napping on my bed, or he and Happy sneaking in and reading my novels, or them teasing me in general.

But ever since Lisanna returned from Edolas, he was spending less time with me, and more time with her. Only focusing on their relationship, and not realizing that ours was nearly broken.

(edited 190210)

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