九 (nine)

573 11 0

Lucy's POV

        Of course he was ready to go fight. Isn't he always? Happy came to sit down next to me.

        "Lushee?" Why did you leave?"

        "Didn't Natsu tell you?"

        "All I know about is the 'you broke my heart' argument. You should forgive him Lushee. He hasn't been himself for the past few days..."

        "But how can I? I was a replacement for Lisanna--" There was a loud shout, and it vaguely sounded like Natsu.

        "Natsu...? NATSU!" I screamed.

        "Natsu, are you okay?"

        "Happy. . . carry . . . me . . . let . . . Luce . . . go . . ."

        "I'm not leaving you! We need to get you to a hospital, Natsu. Happy, carry him--he gets motion sick on me." Happy carried him to the hospital, and I caught myself awkwardly gawking at Natsu's body. His perfect abdominal muscles, and his soft pink hair, his generous onyx eyes...just looking at him made butterflies tumble in my stomach. He made me go crazy. Wait. WHAT?!

You love him, Lucy. I brushed that thought away from my head.

        "Lushee? Stop staring at Natsu and pay the man." I blushed and gave the clerk my extra cash, and in return we got our room key. We left Natsu on the bed and then went to buy him some food.

Natsu's POV

        "Luce? Happy?" I glanced around frantically. I looked at the table beside me and saw a note.

Dear Natsu,

        Me and Happy went to buy you food. We'll be back--and whatever you do, remember to rest. It'll take us some time anyway.


                                                                                                                                                Lucy ♥

Lucy and Happy entered through the door and she started preparing food.

        "Happy, can I ask you to fetch a medicine kit from the lobby?" Happy left. Lucy finished making the soup, and she sat next to me on the bed.

        "Rest, Natsu. I'll feed you." I shifted uncomfortably, but she smiled and slid the spoon into my mouth.

        "Good," I croaked.

        "Thanks. I'm not that good at cooking. At least someone appreciates it." There was an awkward silence and Happy flew through the door.

        "Lushee! Here's the kit!" I tore my eyes away from Lucy.

        "Thanks, Happy! There's some fish on the table for you. Meanwhile, I'll treat Natsu." Happy happily trotted to the table and ate his fish.

        "Sleep," she whispered after putting on my bandages. I slid under the blanket. Suddenly I shot up.

        "But where are you going to sleep? There's only one bed," I said.

        "In the chair. Obviously."

        "You can--"

        "Natsu, I'm fine. Good night."

        "Night." My eyes then pulled me into a heavy sleep.

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