十一 (eleven)

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Lucy's POV

        "I suppose we should go back to the guild." Natsu took me by the arm and we ran together, Happy trailing after us. After about 2 hours, I stopped. I fished out Horologium's key, but I felt a warm hand take it from my hand.

        "I'll carry you," Natsu offered. I looked up and blushed.

        "Fairy, right? You helped me, so I'll help you."

        "They lllllllike each other," Happy exclaimed.

        "Shut up, cat!" I yelled, trying to hide the goofy smile and the blush on my face.

        "Lucy, are you okay? Your face is all red..."

        "Hmm? No, I'm fine Natsu. Let's keep going." We went on, Natsu carrying me. What is happening? I am really beginning to go crazy. Why do I love him so much? After another hour or so, Natsu blew on my face.

        "Natsu, I'll get off now if you want. I'll walk on my own."

        "Good, you were getting heavy."

        "Baka," I muttered, "you don't say that to someone who loves you."

        "Did you say something?" For a second, I thought he heard me.


        "We'll be late to the guild then! Come on!"

Natsu's POV

        We had finally reached the guild.

        "Lucy? Is that you?" Erza asked.

        "Lucy-san! You came back!" I never thought that she would be missed that much, gone for two days. But heck, what am I talking about, I missed her so much too before that.

        "Lu-chan? How did it go?"

        "It went well," she replied.

        "Hey Natsu," a familiar voice said. I turned around to see Lisanna.

        "Lisanna," I said sharply. For some reason, she doesn't give me that tingly and warm feeling that Lucy gives me. But I know I don't love Lucy. I love Lisanna. I love Lisanna. I love Li...Lucy. I love LUCY?!

it's not the end - nalu | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now