Epilogue - Chapter 3 - The Dragon and the Princess Hikari

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This is the very last chapter of my fanfiction! And this is all in Lucy's POV!


"Yes, Nashi?"

"Can you tell me and Iggy a story?" Our two kids sat next to us, with pleading eyes. Natsu chuckled and ruffled little Igneel's hair.

"Of course, Nashi."

"What's the story called?" Igneel asked.

"It's called 'The Dragon Prince and the Princess Hikari.'"

"Luce, can I tell the story?" I nodded to Natsu and he cleared his throat. Happy, Carla, and their little kitty Lucky came to listen to the story as well.

"So once in a little countryside kingdom, there was a dragon and a princess. The princess was the Princess Hikari, the prettiest princess and also the wealthiest. She had practiced celestial magic, even though her parents had disapproved of her doing magic. One day, her mom died and then her dad began to break himself and his daughter. To ensure that his daughter wouldn't turn out like this, he arranged a marriage for her. Many princes came forward, one with a sabertooth's claws, one with a very bad drinking habit, one with ice magic, and many more. Princess Hikari eventually got fed up and she ran away. Luce, wanna continue? I kinda forgot the rest..."

"Anyways, after Princess Hikari ran away, she met up with all sorts of different people. First she met a traveling couple who worked with ice and water in the mountains, and then a woman who worked in a training center with swordsmen, and lastly a little blue haired girl with a white cat. They all journeyed on with her to find the perfect husband. She had sought through many different towns without revealing herself as a princess, but she didn't love them as much as she thought she would. While in a forest with her other friends, they were battling a monster, and she had to use her spirits. Natsu, wanna talk about the monster?"

"Sure, Luce. So the princess used her magic and her friends were surprised at this. But then the monster began overpowering them. Just when Princess Hikari thought she was dead, the dragon prince (who they called Hinatoma) appeared out of nowhere and helped to kill off the monster. In gratitude, the princess promised to do anything. Then the dragon asked her to help him turn back into a human."

"So what was she supposed to do?" Nashi asked.

"Well, Nashi, she had to find him a true love's kiss. So then the princess vowed to help him find someone he loved. As the dragon and the princess spent more time with each other, they began to love each other more and more. But either of them didn't know. It took some coaxing from L-Princess Hikari's friends to get her to tell the dragon who she actually loved, and the ice worker also helped the dragon get over his feelings.

'Fireball, I would like to tell you something.'

'Go ahead, please, Princess Hikari," the dragon continued.

'I was journeying around to find a person I really loved, and while around no one fulfilled my dreams. But then I was suddenly battling a horrible monster, and he appeared in front of me." The dragon suddenly understood what she was saying.

"Would a kiss do?" she asked. She put her mouth close to the dragon's mouth, and there was a bright flash of light. There appeared a young man, the man she truly loved. She then went back to her kingdom, and got married to the prince. After her dad passed away, she said that she would keep the castle to the commoners and live amongst them. Prince Hinatoma and Princess Hikari had two children, and the all lived happily after."

"I liked that story," Igneel said after the story was over. Nashi was bawling at the happy ending.

"Oh yeah, did I mention, Prince Hinatoma had a blue cat?" I winked at Natsu.

"Hmmm, I didn't know! Anyways, thanks for the story mama! Me and Iggy are gonna go to bed now!" Natsu and I sat on the couch, and Happy and Carla and Lucky left with Igneel and Nashi.

"Perfect love story," Natsu said.

"I was battling this horrible slave trader, and he appeared in front of me," I said. He looked at me, understanding where I was going.

"Would a kiss do?" I asked, and he pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. How perfect.

Hey guys!

It's me, Luxanne!

So...how did you like this?

I know, I know, it was amazing :D

Too conceited? Sorry :|

But, I want to thank you for these reads that I've been seeing. Also, I want to dedicate this to the following people:

@cryptic_eyes: Keep writing your awesome stories!

@LucyAshleyHeartfilia: You as well, continue!

@JeRein_14: Thanks for inspiring my stories!

All of you, thank you so so so so much, for inspiring my story!

And to everyone else out there who is writing and reading awesome fanfictions!

Also, while you're reading this thank you note, be sure to check out my other stories:

Hailstorm (Gruvia fanfiction)-http://www.wattpad.com/116113066-hailstorm-gruvia-fanfiction-disclaimer

Your Lucy? She's Dead-http://www.wattpad.com/116953673-your-lucy-she%27s-dead-chapter-one

Yeah, so enjoy!

Thanks for reading!


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